I want to work in Interpreting or Translating

Find out how you can start a career in interpreting or translating. Here we list potential job roles and some of the leading companies in that sector.

Job roles


Interpreting is a niche career area, which can be stressful and also difficult to break into on a full-time basis. Employers include international organisations but, as with translators, many interpreters are freelance.

Prospects Occupational Profiles:

Find out more

Find postgraduate or vocational courses in translation or interpreting

Use one or more of the following:

  • Find Courses and Research
  • Postgrad.com Latest update on funding news, immediate vacancies, new courses and research places
  • Hot Courses database of courses in the UK , including postgraduate courses and research.
  • FindAMasters Advice on Masters degrees plus a database of these courses in the UK and overseas
  • MastersDegree.net Masters Degree is a free comprehensive guide written by a group of academics and post-graduate students covering everything you need to know about earning your master’s degree successfully

Careers in Subtitling

To become a subtitler you require an interest in language and excellent articulation. You need to be able to work well under pressure and have experience of working to tight deadlines. Degrees in languages or literature tend to be preferred.

General information

Subtitling services specialising in translation services

Real-Time Subtitling

Ai Media captioning company in London. Recruit subtitlers to provide real-time captions via Ai-Live platform.

Media directories list services such as translation and subtitling


Last updated