Sport at Kent

Sport at Kent

Set your own pace.

Get involved!

Sport at Kent is for everyone.  

Whether you want to play for fun or train to compete, you'll be joining a welcoming community where you can reach your personal best.

If you already have a sport you love, that's great! If not - don't worry, there are loads of clubs, so you can discover what is right for you.

Hey sporty!

Anyone for tennis?

Simply British Ballers.

When you come to Kent with passion, the ball is in your court. Discover how Behrad, Denzel and Ed went from Kent to the NBA.

A rising star.

The Kent Stars campaign celebrates students doing amazing things – and Millie Knight has some incredible achievements under her belt.


‘We’re all about bringing people together, we run men’s and women’s teams and welcome people of all abilities,’


"Korfball is a mixed-sex sport and a combination of netball and basketball, where you can attack, defend and mark a lot closer."

Hi, I'm Jade.

"I walked into the sports centre alone on a September night and left with some best friends and a sport I loved."

Riding high.

Pitch perfect.

"We compete against universities in London and the south east and have won every league game so far."

They think it's all over.

The University of Kent won this year's varsity with a 61-20 victory over Canterbury Christ Church.

You're up next.

Join Kent and become a part of the next generation of our sporting stars.

Top-level facilities.

Sport at Kent is the heart of activity on campus, and our facilities is where it happens. We're home to a huge range of sport and fitness facilities from gyms, to pitches to courts, the stage is set for you.

Stay updated with Kent.