The application window for the 2024/25 scheme has now closed. Applications for the 2025/26 scheme will open in November 2024.
Applications through Clearing have now closed. See the other links for details of when applications reopen.
The application form for returning scholars for 2024/25 has now closed. Applications for the 2025/26 scheme will open in the summer of 2025.
For all scholarship enquiries, please email
Many of our Sports Scholars go on to earn incredible achievements in their chosen sport. Here we have highlighted some of our most successful Scholars.
Who do I contact if I have questions?
For all scholarship enquiries, please email
Will my sport be considered?
Sports Scholarship applications are considered for all sports providing the standard that you are performing/competing at meets or exceeds the required level and you can be supported whilst at University. As a general guide we consider athletes representing at county/regional level or above in their chosen sport. Unfortunately, the Scheme doesn’t support applications from sports officials or coaches but does welcome applications from para-athletes from all sports.
Do Sports Scholarships cover tuition/accommodation fees?
The Sports Scholarship Scheme provides supplementary financial support to students and does not cover tuition or accommodation fees. Details of what is included in the Scheme can be found here.
Do I need to be a University of Kent student to apply?
We consider undergraduate and postgraduate applicants, including current students studying at the Canterbury or Medway Campus only. It is not necessary to wait for a confirmed offer of a place before submitting your application, however the offer of a Scholarship does not carry with it the offer of a place. If you are successful in being offered a Sports Scholarship, you will need to have been offered a place to study with us before you can accept.
International Campus and UK Distance Learning applicants will be considered on a case-by-case basis depending on their sport.
Do you offer international scholarships?
We welcome applications from all nationalities so long as they meet the performance criteria. If you are a University of Kent student studying at Canterbury or Medway then you are eligible to apply for a Sports Scholarship.
Students undertaking an International Foundation Program at the University of Kent are not eligible for the scheme and are encouraged to complete this first before applying as a full undergraduate at Kent.
I have been asked to come for a trial, when will this be?
Some applicants may be placed on our ‘Michaelmas Trial Scheme’ which runs throughout the Autumn Term (Sept-Dec). You will receive details on how the trial scheme runs and how to update the Sports Scholarship Committee throughout term one with a view to joining the full scheme in the Spring Term if your trial is successful.
When can I apply for a Sports Scholarship?
The annual application process opens each year on 1st November and runs until 30th April of the following year for the next academic intake. You will need to apply the same year that you apply for University. We cannot hold any applications for later years.
When will I find out if my application was successful?
All applications are put forward to the Sports Scholarship Committee who decide which applications are successful. The Committee meet every 8-12 weeks, if you do not get a response within 12 weeks it may be because the committee cannot come to a decision or because more information is required from references or other outside advisors. If you do not get a response after 12 weeks, please contact the scholarships administrator at
Can I apply again next year if I am unsuccessful?
Yes. If your Scholarship application is unsuccessful we encourage you to continue with your sport and join your University sports club and represent at BUCS in the highest team available. You can then reapply to the Scheme during the next window but are encouraged to apply at the end of the Spring Term.
I have missed the application deadline, can I still apply?
If you have come through University ‘Clearing’ or applied to study at Kent after the 30th April deadline then you may contact the Scholarship team via to enquire about completing a late application. Such enquiries will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and the decision to permit/consider a late application will rest with the Sports Scholarship Committee.
Which application form do I need to fill out?
If you are applying for a Sports Scholarship for the first time (this includes having been unsuccessful in the past) please complete a ‘New Scholarship application form’ on our webpage. If you are a current Scholar and wish to be considered for the Scheme the following year please fill in a ‘Returning Scholarship application form’.
If I am successful, will I automatically be accepted into the Scheme next year?
No. Each year you will need to apply for a Scholarship as standards and achievements change. You will not be accepted just because you were accepted the previous year. The outcome will also depend on you passing your academic exams or coursework for the current year.
Existing Sports Scholars cannot renew their Scholarship if they are heading into a placement year unless their placement location and commitment enables them to fulfil the requirements of the scheme. Such applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
How will I receive payments?
Scholarship payments are awarded in accordance to your attendance at mandatory events, sessions and fixtures or competitions throughout the year. The payments are split across the academic year in November, February and May. The payments may not be split equally as they are depending on sporting and scholarship calendars. Your payment can also be increased/decreased dependent on your commitment and performance.
Can/how do I claim expenses?
Further expenses are only supported on certain Scholarship Tiers. Any capacity for submitting expenses will be outlined in your Scholarship offer or welcome pack.
To claim expenses, please retain all receipts and either scan them to or send them to the Sports Centre addressed to the scholarships administrator ensuring you state your name and what the expenses are for. No expenses will be paid without receipts. Please keep copies of anything you send. Expenses will be paid at the same time as your next Scholarship award instalment.
Will I be expected to compete for the University?
Yes, this is pre-requisite of the Scheme unless you are a professional athlete representing a Club or your country. As part of the Scheme you will be agreeing to represent the University of Kent either through competing with your sports club in BUCS fixtures, competitions or events. You are permitted to competing externally where this does not conflict with University representation.
I have already submitted my application but have recent achievements, can I add them?
Yes. It is always best to make sure that the committee have all relevant up-to-date information. If you have further information you wish to be considers please email
Can I send in video footage or supply links in support of my application?
Yes. Please provide any relevant web links in your application – there is a section specifically list for this at the end.
I have not competed for a while or am currently injured, can I still apply?
This would depend on your level, the nature of your injury or how long you have not been competing for. Please include as much detail in your application regarding the reason you have not been competing. If you are currently rehabilitating or returning from injury please include details of this within your application alongside any referees who may be able to provide further testimony to your situation.