Staff: remote work set-up and security

Advice and guidance to set up your IT, and to make sure you can work efficiently, safely and securely from home.

Use a staff standard laptop to work from home

To get a staff standard laptop contact the Tech Shop.

Android/Apple devices are not available from the Tech Shop as a staff standard laptop.  Contact the Finance Procurement team if required.

Set up your desk and Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

We recommend you don't work for hours on a laptop without a separate monitor, keyboard and mouse

  • With a laptop, use a separate monitor, keyboard and mouse (if possible). 
  • Set your screen to be level with your eyes. Adjust the screen angle and height, to avoid over-stretching your neck, and avoid glare or reflections.
  • Align your computer centrally with your body – don’t twist round to use it.
  • Position your mouse so your arm isn't outstretched.
  • Change position regularly to keep muscles relaxed.
  • Take regular screen breaks.
  • Use this DSE checklist.

If you have concerns, please speak to your manager.

Security requirements for working off campus

Digital security

Secure your device: make sure your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet meet  our security requirements.

Sensitive data: if you access sensitive personal data read these guidelines.

Extra security for your email and Office 365 account.

How to check a web page is  secure: in your web browser's address bar click the padlock symbol to check.

Working in public spaces

If you need to work in a public space be cautious when accessing University data. Others may be able to view your screen or overhear your conversations. 

When working in public, you should:

  • Avoid viewing special category data.
  • Avoid logging on to Kent systems using a public computer.
  • Make sure any Wi-Fi network you use is genuine and your laptop is encrypted (and the encryption password is not kept with the computer).
  • Lock your computer away when not using it.

Where to store your files and data

Save work to one of the following:

Unsure where your document needs to be saved? Check our University file storage options to find the best solution for you.

Don't save important documents on personal home folders - use your OneDrive instead. If you need to, make sure it's password-protected and transfer files onto OneDrive, the University network or SharePoint as soon as possible, and delete them from your personal drive.  

Maximise speed and performance

  • For the best reliability and speed use a wired connection between your PC or laptop and broadband router if possible.
  • If you need to use Wi-Fi, have the laptop in the same room as the wireless router, or as close as possible.
  • The wireless router will work best if on a desk or shelf and away from items like printers, books or papers that could shield the signal.
  • Are you sharing the internet with others? Can you stagger activities between you to avoid overloading the connection? If you have an important voice or video call, ask others in your home to minimise their internet use if you can.
  • Neighbours’ Wi-Fi can sometimes interfere with yours. You might be able to change the channel on your Wi-Fi router to reduce interference. Free apps on Android (such as Wi-Fi Analyzer) and iOS (Wi-Fi SweetSpots) show you which channels are in use and if neighbouring signals are strong.


Find out all the ways you can get in touch.  

Last updated