Wellbeing Ideas for Lockdown Days

With another lockdown, students may find it difficult to add structure and balance to their days. We have put together a page of resources that are available to you from the University that might support you in this lockdown.

Eating Well

Why not continue Veganuary into the next few months? Or change up your eating habits so that you can enjoy some healthy, tasty foods. 

A bowl of vegan curry on a blue background with side dishes of coleslaw and naan bread to the left and right.
Uni Kent Food Blog.

The Uni Kent Food Blog will provide you with foodie content that we’re sure will quench your appetite. Have a look at their delicious vegan recipes that you can try wherever you are. 

Two bowls of spanish paella are diangonally positioned on a wooden tbale with two forks.
Uni Kent Food Blog.

Get Moving

Keeping active is an essential task for us to try and incorporate into our daily routines. Not only will it help us keep a positive mind during this lockdown but it will also help to reduce any stresses we may have.

A women on a yoga mat doing crunches. Shes wearing trainers, orange yoga pants and a white tank top.

Kent sport have provided a way to support you to get moving and keep active whilst still following the national guidelines. Have a look at their range of Stay Well @ Home content for a variety of ways to keep physically active – with family members or by yourself.

Have a peruse of the page to find wellness articles, Kent Sports top fitness tips and popular bike, running and walking routes around Canterbury and on campus.

A lady is in her house, working out on her sofa whilst listening or watching a class.

Why not have a look through the Home Workout Library for basic to advanced workouts with the Kent Sport Health and Fitness Instructor Laetitia Pelacchi.

The Kent Sports team have also recorded their most popular classes for you to workout to at home. If you fancy some 'Ballet Fitness' or 'Body Weight Exercises' then have a look at their page.

Even more classes can be found on the University of Kent Sport Vimeo channel which is free for anyone to watch.     

For the University students on campus, 'Bedroom Bootcamp' maybe something you want to try! 
This is a 25-minute workout video filmed from one of the bedrooms on campus! You’ll be able to follow all the steps in this simple workout video.     

A lady is in her living room working out whilst watching a class.

If you feel that you could benefit from a slower pace of exercise, check out the suggestions of Kent's outdoor walks around Canterbury and Medway.

Study Well

Online learning may be different to what students are used to but the University of Kent have provided several resources to enable students to study well during the lockdown period. 

As the Exam season starts you may be facing new challenges as you prepare for exams. Take a look at the Exam Calm page for resources, information and activities to help you stay calm, connected, and feel empowered to tackle your exams.

Below is a list of articles and resources that all students and staff have access to. 

A woman is listening to her online class whilst taking notes.

The Templeman library is open Monday to Friday 10:00 to 16:00 however is subject to change so be sure to check the website before visiting. The webpage also provides information for student help and staff help regarding any issues or questions.

Use this library occupancy checker to see how busy the library is.   

Some modules have provided students with access to E-book versions of the textbook or resource they need. Check LibrarySearch Digital to see if this applies to you.  

Available on Moodle, the Online Learning at Kent: A Guide to Successful Study Online module has been created by the University’s E-Learning team to help you get the very best out of online learning. Through this module you can familiarise yourself with both the technologies you will be using as part of your studies and the types of online and interactive activities you are likely to experience. 

Have a look at some advice from students on how to stay productive in lockdown

Watch this 'Day in the life during lockdown remotely studying' video for some inspiration on creating a productive routine. 


This is of the SLAS logo with the words SLAS connect in yellow and white on a blue background

The Student Learning Advisory Service (SLAS) can help you to prepare for and succeed in your studies. SLAS offers one to one appointments, workshops, study guides and online learning resources covering a wide range of topics. Have a look at the Study Support and SLAS page for more information and support.    


The Careers & Employability Service run a wide range of events throughout the year including skills workshops and opportunities to meet with employers on campus. Have a look through their website and events page to join the variety of skills and careers workshops they host.    

Connecting with Others

Whilst we are in another lockdown it is important to try to keep in contact with friends, family and connecting with others. Below is a variety of resources and events to help you maintain and create relationships and take part in fun activities.

A group of friends sitting on the grass, talking and smiling on a hot sunny day

The colleges and community life team offer a range of support services and social activities and are a first point of contact for any kind of assistance, advice and student support on and off campus. For more information have a look at the colleges pages.

Have a look at all the events, activities and competitions you can get involved with!    

Peer Support

Student Support and Wellbeing run various support groups throughout the year, mostly on Wednesday afternoons in term time in order not to conflict with possible timetabled teaching.

Have a look at the peer support webpage to see what groups are available to you and the events calendar to see when they are.

A blue and white flowery tea cup with a wooden board of biscuits blurred and partially shown on a white background
Support and Wellbeing.

Wellbeing Cafe

Meet with other students online for mental health support, games and creative pursuits. The wellbeing cafe explores general mental health themes such as dealing with anxiety and managing your mood, whilst providing the opportunity to connect with other students, in a friendly informal setting.  

Two red cups zoomed in on to show the leaf design in the coffee. Placed on a wooden table.
Just coffe Event.

Just Coffee - Virtual Event

In the busy days of the start of the second term, you might like to have a virtual coffee or tea (or other beverage!) break with someone else.  With this virtual meeting, you will be randomly matched with another student who's looking for a coffee break buddy. Perfect for socialising and connecting with others!

Walking Buddy

Walking buddies are opportunities to get out, meet another student and energise your mind! Find a reason to leave your accommodation or the library, get outside and enjoy the fresh air with someone else (for students in both Medway and Canterbury).   

Seeking Help

Student Support and Wellbeing will help to make sure that your time at the university is a positive experience. They provide a wide range of support that is available from their support and wellbeing page. 

The Student Support and Wellbeing staff in Canterbury and Medway continue to operate remotely to support all students through this very challenging time. Whether you were previously accessing support or not, you are welcome to get in touch with us now.

Short term counselling is also available for students who are experiencing problems such as anxiety, depressed feelings, and emotional difficulties that may or may not be connected to student life.

If you find you need help right away not during office hours (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm GMT) or without an appointment, you can use the contacts of support on the emergency webpage.

Wellbeing resources and advice

Could you use some support from others going through the same thing?

Head to the Student Space website from Student Minds for expert information to help you through the challenges of coronavirus. Student Space provides advice and resources, as well as telephone, email, webchat and text support.


What we do to stay well has had to change due to restrictions caused by the pandemic. Could you use some inspiration from other students on what's getting them through this uncertain time?

The student Support and Wellbeing team have put together some inspirational resources from students about what is getting them through this lockdown period. Check out their entertainment recommendations and meditation resources

Last updated