Arts Alumni

Alumni and careers
The Arts community is a diverse and close-knit one. Seeing our students graduate in the magnificent cathedrals at Canterbury and Rochester is one of the most exciting times of the year. As we celebrate their success, we also look forward to finding out where their degrees will take them.

Impressive prospects

Our graduates have become theatre producers, literary managers, community theatre officers for local councils, theatre journalists, authors, scriptwriters for television, teachers, stand-up comedians, directors, event managers, drama teachers, performers and actors.

We help students to develop the creative competence they need to succeed in a future career in specific arts professions as well as the wider creative industries. We host numerous career and employability related events and opportunities including:

  • We regularly invite industry professionals to speak to our students; most recently, as part of the 'Careers in Film and Media' series
  • We run regular employability sessions for our students and through our Music Academic Partnership with UK Music, we have a regular flow of guest speakers and workshops, including a session with George Ezra's producer, Cam Blackwood.
  • Our Graduate Theatre Company halucid_, has been successful in securing funding as part of Screen South‘s ‘New Creatives’ scheme.  

Alumni news