Information for PAL Students

If you are in your first or second year* and find that you are struggling with some aspects of a module, you can ask your module convenor/seminar lead or academic adviser to find out if the module is linked to PAL.

Your PAL leader will be in the stage above you and will previously have completed the module PAL is linked to.

*It might be possible to seek a PG PAL leader if you are in your third year

The kinds of support PAL Leaders offer may be:

  • Sharing tips and advice on university life 
  • Encouraging you to voice the challenges you may be facing on a module
  • Helping you to develop your independent learning skills
  • Providing advice on time management and organisation skills
  • Sign-posting support and resources

How does it work?

  • There are two possible scenarios:
  • The module is linked to PAL: In this case, you will be given the name of the PAL leader and with your permission, your name will be passed to the PAL leader who can invite you to a group study session. You will meet regularly in a group with other students to share your experiences and ask for guidance
  • The module is not linked to PAL: In this case, please contact the Student Learning Advisory Service (SLAS)by emailing                                         

Our PAL supervisors can advise you on how and where to seek support.

Last updated