- University of Kent
- Physics and Astronomy
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- Dr Jorge Quintanilla
Dr Jorge Quintanilla studied Physics at the University of Salamanca in his native Spain (Licenciado, 1992-1997) and at the University of Bristol (PhD, 1997-2001) where he completed a thesis on unconventional superconductors under the supervision of the late Balazs L. Gyorffy. He then moved to Brazil, where he held a postdoctoral position at the University of Sao Paulo at Sao Carlos (2002) and worked with Luiz Oliveira and Klaus Capelle on proximity effects in superconductors and with Vivaldo L. Campo on electronic statates in small-world networks.
Moving back to the UK to take up a research fellowship at the University of Birmingham (2003-2005), Jorge began new collaborations with his supervisor Andy Schofield, with Chris Hooley and, later, with Sam Carr. During this time his research interests broadened further to include quantum liquid crystal states and the Pomeranchuk instability and ultra-cold atoms.
After Birmingham, Jorge took up the Atlas Research Fellowship in Condensed Matter Theory at the ISIS Facility in the STFC Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory, in Harwell, and at St Catherine's College, Oxford (2005-2010). At RAL, he developed a keen interest in extending, through his theoretical research, the capabilities of large-scale facilities employed in condensed matter research, including the muon and neutron instruments at the ISIS spallation neutron source.
During the course of his career Jorge has been an Individual Marie Curie Fellow; a Fellow of St Catherine’s College, Oxford; and an honorary research associate of the London Centre for Nanotechnology. He also chaired SEPnet's Atomic and Condensed Matter research theme (2010-2012) and is a founding member of the Hubbard Theory Consortium.
Dr Jorge Quintanilla is a theorist working on quantum condensed matter and materials physics. His main interests are in the area of strongly correlated quantum matter and include unconventional superconductors, frustrated and quantum magnets, and other materials with strongly-correlated electrons.
Jorge's current interests include broken time-reversal symmetry in centrosymmetric and non-centrosymmetric superconductors, topological defects and excitations in condensed matter and experimental signatures of quantum entanglement in magnetic materials. Past interests also include ultra-cold gases and complex networks.
Jorge is involved in the teaching of superconductivity and magnetism, quantum mechanics and electricity and light. He is one of the lecturers in the biannual SEPnet GRADnet workshop on strong correlations.
Jorge can offer PhD and MSc (R) projects in a number of areas, including unconventional superconductors, entanglement in quantum magnets and magnetic monopoles in spin ice. Every year he also offers one or more MPhys research projects. Visit his blog for more information on student research opportunities within his group.
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