
Collaboration is key to the work that we do in the Sustainability team and we need to hear from staff and students across the organisation to help us navigate the complex road to sustainability. We are always open to hearing your thoughts and ideas for how we can guide the University's transition to a sustainable institution. Below we will feature key areas we are actively seeking consultation on as well our contact details for you to get in touch with us about this or about any other sustainability issue at any time.

Current Consultation Project - Strategy Refresh

The University has a number of operational strategies that support our transition to a more sustainable institution. The Sustainability Team are running an open consultation on some of these strategies as they go through the process of being refreshed over this academic year. The strategies are owned by a number of departments across the University including the Estates Department and Kent Hospitality. 

The Sustainability Team have put together a number of forms, linked below, asking for Students and Staff to input their thoughts and ideas on a number of sustainability issues across our operational work. 

Reponses from these forms will be collated by the Sustainability Team and fed back to the strategy owner where they will be reviewed. Not all responses and ideas will make it in to the final strategies as decisions around affordability, timescales and achievability will have to be made. However, we are hopeful that we can get a real insight into your priorities that we can then reflect in our short and longer term targets, as well as integrate ideas that we would not have come up with ourselves.


February 2021 - Initial consultation opens

March-April 2021 - Collating feedback and incorporating consultation outcomes

May 2021 - 2nd Stage consultation (tbc)

June-July 2021 - Strategy refresh and  final publication

Fill in one (or all!) of our consultation forms below:

Sustainability/Other Department Strategies

We want your ideas!

The Sustainability Team will always want to hear your thoughts, feedback and ideas on sustainability at the University. Please get in touch with us by clicking the button below.