Carolina Yoko Furusho

PhD Candidate


Supervisors: Dr Carolyn Pedwell and Dr Marian Duggan, University of Kent and Prof Dr Susanne Krasmann, Universität Hamburg

Carolina (BCL Universidade de Sao Paulo; LLM University College London) is a Joint PhD Candidate at the University of Kent and the University of Hamburg in the Doctorate on Cultural and Global Criminology (DCGC) and an European Commission Erasmus Mundus Doctoral Fellow. Her interests encompass critical criminology, human rights, feminist and critical theory, constitutional and international law. In 2017-2018 academic year, Carolina was a Visiting Scholar at Columbia Law School under the auspices of the Center for Gender and Sexuality Law.

She is also a member of the Brazilian Bar Association and her professional experience includes legal consultancy and litigation in corporate, governmental and non-governmental organisations.

Research interests

Carolina's research interests focus on vulnerability, victimisation and the practice of human rights courts from an interdisciplinary approach, exploring intertwinements between on the one hand, feminist-informed criminology and on the other hand, human rights theory and praxis.



  • Furusho, C. (Upcoming 2019) 'From North-South to South-South (Cr)immigration: Haitians in the Dominican Republic', in Ciocchini, P. and Radics, G (eds.) Criminal Legalities in the Global South, Routledge.
  • Furusho, C. (2018) 'The "ideal vulnerable migrant'" in human rights courts', in Duggan, M. (ed.) 'Revisiting the Ideal Victim: Developments in Critical Criminology', Policy Press.
  • Furusho, C. (2016) 'Uncovering the human rights of the vulnerable subject and correlated state duties under liberalism', UCL Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, 5 (1)
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