Dr David Nettleingham

Senior Lecturer in Sociology,
Admissions and Recruitment Officer
+44 (0)1227 823045
Dr David Nettleingham


Dr David Nettleingham joined the School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research as a Lecturer in Cultural Studies in 2012, but has been a member of the School for much longer as both student and teacher. He studied at Kent for a BA in Sociology and Philosophy (2006), an MA in Sociology (2007) and a PhD in Sociology (2013), and taught as an Assistant Lecturer in Sociology and Cultural Studies from 2008 - 2012. David is currently a Fellow/Sociologist in Residence at The Margate School, an independent postgraduate art school in Thanet. 

Research interests

Dr Nettleingham’s research is informed by interests in the politics of memory and narrative, perceptions of class, generation and community, and oral historical methods. He is currently researching/writing on the cultural life and collective memory of the British left, identity and place on the Isle of Thanet, and the role that heritage practices play in shaping deindustrialisation and rurality. 

He is a member of the SSPSSR’s Work, Employment and Economic Life research cluster and the Centre for Heritage in the School of European Culture and Languages.  


Dr Nettleingham teaches on various modules across the Cultural Studies and Sociology programmes, including his research-led module Narrative, Myth and Cultural Memory. 


Dr Nettleingham would be interested in receiving supervision enquires in the areas of cultural memory and heritage, autobiography, social and cultural history, generational identities, deindustrialisation, or political cultures and movements.



Editorial work 

  • Journal of Working-Class Studies - member of the Editorial Collective 
  • The Conversation Paperpress - former Commissioning Editor (2009-2014) 

Media work 

Dr Nettleingham's research has featured on BBC South East Today and BBC Radio Kent. 

Last updated