Georgia Haire

PhD student


Prior to joining the University of Kent as a PhD candidate, Georgia Haire completed a BA in History at the University of Manchester in 2012 and an MSc in the History and Philosophy of Science at University College London in 2017. Georgia has also previously held roles in a number of museum and heritage organisations in both London and Amsterdam. 

Research interests

Georgia’s PhD project examines the demand, proliferation, and use of dentures during the mid-twentieth century. Drawing upon the cultural, social, and medical context of this period, her thesis explores the relationship between medical consumption and the patient/user’s experience of dentures.

Current thesis title

Patients, Dentures and Demand: False Teeth and Oral Health in Mid-Twentieth Century Britain



Georgia teaches on topics related to the history of medicine and twentieth-century British history. 


Georgia is a member of the Society for the Social History of Medicine and Postgraduate Ambassador for the British Society for the History of Science. 

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