External Advisors

The University also makes use of External Advisors in the consideration and approval of new and amended courses of study, as part of Periodic Course Review and as part of approving new Partner Institutions.  


External Members of Periodic Review Panels/Validation Panels should be send their payment request form to examiners@kent.ac.uk on completion of the review.

Full bank account details, home address and National Insurance No (if appropriate) must be provided as Kent's Pay Office is unable to make payments without this information. Scans of original receipts should be attached to an email as appropriate.

External Examiners are paid on the University of Kent's monthly pay roll. Electronic pay slips are available to view or print through Staff Connect using a Kent IT account which has had MFA set up on it.

Fees Payable to External Members of Periodic Review Panels/External Members of Validation Panels

Type Fee
For each visit day £275.00
Last updated