
For online chat you should use Teams. Skype is useful for Tier 4 interviews.

Use Teams for most online meetings

Microsoft Teams offers online video and audio calling, text chat, file sharing and collaboration around topics, making it easy to work and collaborate with staff and students.

Teams replaced Skype for Business in July 2020, because there were technical issues with running both Teams and S4B side by side.

  • How to disable Skype for Business on your own device: From Skype for Business, click the settings cog, then navigate to Tools and click Options. Go to Personal, then Untick Run at StartUp

Skype and Tier 4 interviews

Skype is an option for contacting students or recording Tier 4 student interviews.

To use Skype

  1. Get a Skype account
  2. Use a phone, tablet, PC or laptop. PCs will need a webcam, speakers and microphone (or a plug in headphones with a mic).
  3. To install Skype:
    • On a student PC or staff PC: click Start and search for 'software center'. Then locate and install Skype from the list of available software.
    • On a phone or tablet: get it from your app store.

You can Skype from anywhere. If you're on campus and want a room with good sound proofing, you could book the campus Video Conferencing Studio

Before you start

Do a test call to get used to how it works.


Find out all the ways you can get in touch:  

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Last updated