Alex Perkins

Alumni Engagement Manager
 Alex Perkins


I joined the University as a member of staff in the Development Office in March 2018. But my association with the place goes back much further.  I was a student at Kent in the early 90s and then as a local city councillor for 28 years (and leader of the council for some of those) I worked with successive vice-chancellors to try and make sure that the University grew and prospered as an employer, as a neighbour, and as a seat of learning and excellence - at the heart of Canterbury and East Kent. 

For the last few years I have experienced the University from the inside. Finding out what it is like to be working in an organisation that is facing huge challenges.  With colleagues and friends facing uncertainty, cuts – and in some cases redundancy. That’s why I wanted to be a voice for the people who work here. The people who turn up every day to make the place tick. The people who carry out the tasks that make this place function. Day in – day out.

I know from past experience what it is like to be student at Kent - to be a concerned neighbour – and what it was like to work with the senior management team to develop a strategy to take the University forward. But I also know how important it is that the people who work here have a real voice. A voice that is listened to.

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