We know you will have questions following the announcement. We will aim to answer all questions in this section, unless the question is specific to an individual in which case we will follow up separately.


Those PGT students remaining at BSIS in 23/24 have been consulted over their choice of modules. This data has been passed to the relevant academic school, who will then decide which modules they are able to offer in 23/24. 

It is the university’s wish and intention to deliver all teaching in-person, however where this is not possible due to staff availability or related to work permits, some form of hybridity may be necessary.

Students will continue to be able to request a change of module during the first week of term and this will be subject to the normal controls relating to module viability. In light of the reduced student numbers in 23/24, changing modules may be more problematic and for this reason, we have consulted the affected students in advance. 

Students will still be able to audit classes in 23/24

Students can continue to study across different campuses and should discuss this with both their tutor and the administration. 

Students will still be able to change from part-time to full-time and from extended to standard.  Those wishing to do so should contact their tutor and the administration as soon as possible to discuss options.

It is hoped that students will continue to support guest lectures and events through 23/24 and we welcome ideas from those remaining with us in Autumn 23 and Spring 24.

There are no plans to change any of the dates as published:
• Draft dissertation Proposals – Wed 4 Oct 2023
• Dissertation Proposals - Fri 24 Nov 2023
• Dissertation submitted - Fri 5 Apr 2024

• The dates of the November 2024 congregation have yet to be set.

An extension has been granted for any students who were originally expected to submit their essays by May 16th. 

The new deadline for essay submission is noon on May 30th 2023.


Under current plans, students will continue to have access to study space, printers and Wi-Fi through to April 2024.

For all administration matters, including facilities, students should contact bsis@kent.ac.uk.

Your degree is issued by the University of Kent. The degrees do not mention BSIS and have never mentioned BSIS.

The university will continue to sign Convention de Stage. Requests should continue to be sent to bsis@kent.ac.uk.

The university will continue to provide Status Letters. Requests should continue to be sent to bsis@kent.ac.uk.

Whilst we cannot guarantee visa’s we would fully support your application through our usual process. Relocation expenses of up to £2,000 per student are also available.

Staff Availability

As with every year the Heads of School will decide who will convene each module in line with staff availability.

If you decide to continue working with your current supervisor as external supervisor, you will be appointed two additional supervisors in Canterbury (first and second). 

If you wish to stay at Kent a new supervisor would be allocated. There is the potential for current supervisor to stay as external supervision if they are willing.

Yes, you will stay with your current supervisor.

 If your current supervisor leaves, a new supervisor will be allocated from Canterbury and discussions will be held with the current supervisor about external supervision 

They will be considered ‘External’ supervisors

Yes – We have the capacity to offer support.

Any work which has been completed will be acknowledged. 


Whilst we can not guarantee a visa (UKVI decision) we would fully support you through our usual process to apply for a CAS. Relocation expenses of £2k per student also available. 

We are working closely with the admissions team to ensure that any students who have been offered a place to start in September are communicated with at the earliest opportunity. 

We would support introductions to other Universities in Brussels through our links with them.  Any student who wishes to transfer should consider which University they may wish to transfer to, and if an appropriate supervisor can be found there for them.  If they wish to discuss this at their individual meeting, they should raise it.  If they wish to transfer to another university beyond Brussels, we will assist with academic references and an explanation of the situation

No one will be forced to relocate and remote working continues to be available.

We will continue to support non-EU/EEA students who wish to enrol in the Search Year through to Spring 2024 in the normal manner.

Key2advance plan to offer an enhanced bespoke programme to students in Autumn 2023 with no reduction in service.  Due to student numbers it may be that the programme is delivered in a different format. They will be surveying those students remaining with us in 23/24 to find out what they want.

We always strive to provide the best possible experience to our students, including when supporting you through changes like this. However, we understand that there may be times when you may not be completely satisfied with how you are treated or the decisions we are taking. If you have any feedback or complaints, please do not hesitate to let us know via the student conduct and complaints office.

Have a question which you don't see in the answers above? Use the form below to submit your question.

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