BSIS Changes

After a series of extensive reviews and internal discussions, we have taken the difficult and regretful decision to wind down our postgraduate Brussels School of International Studies (BSIS) from next year.

Why are we winding down our operations in Brussels?

  • In recent years we have been running it at an increasing cost and further recruitment and wider pressures mean this is sadly no longer sustainable for the University.     
  • We are moving towards partnership agreements allowing us to broaden our scope across Europe and the world.

This difficult decision has been taken following an extensive review of the costs associated with running the centre and with the wider financial challenges facing Universities. 

How will we support you?

We understand that changes like this can cause upset, frustration, and worry. We will do our best to support you throughout this process by: 

  • Holding regular update sessions either in person or online
  • Provide answers to the questions you may have
  • Share information on how we will support you with your studies

If you have any questions about the changes which have been announced, please email

Last updated