Resitting, resubmitting and repeating


Resitting means to retake an exam. For more information, see our resit webpage.

Resubmitting means to re-do and resubmit a piece of work. You will not receive any further tuition for that module in either case.

Repeating means that you need to attend all lectures and seminars and follow the full assessment requirements. All the previous marks that you achieved for the module(s) that you are repeating will be removed and replaced with the marks from your repeat. You will also need to pay tuition fees. Tuition fee costs are calculated on the number of credits you repeat - please contact the Income Office for more details.

The Board of Examiners may recommend that you resit an exam or resubmit coursework. In such cases, if your continued participation is not required then the University will not continue to sponsor your Student visa. The Student Immigration Compliance Team (SICT) will inform UKVI that your sponsorship will be withdrawn and your visa will be curtailed. This means that you will not have valid immigration permission to be in the UK if you are not actively studying.


If you resat an exam during August resits and failed, the Board of Examiners may recommend that you resit the exam again in May/June of the next academic year. In this case, the University will not continue sponsoring you during the academic year since you will not be required to be in attendance for any teaching. You would need to leave the UK in August and return the following May/June to retake the exam (if it is an in person exam).

Postgraduate Taught students

If you are a Postgraduate Taught student required to resubmit a project report/dissertation and your resubmission date goes beyond your original completion date, you are still considered to be in term time and your work restriction of 20 hours per week remains until the new date. You are only permitted to work more hours once you have successfully completed your course.


If you have failed a certain amount of credits, the Board of Examiners may offer you the opportunity to repeat that Stage. In this case, your sponsorship may not be curtailed, depending on how many modules you must repeat and which academic terms you are required to be in attendance.

Your sponsorship will be withdrawn for academic terms where you are not required to be in attendance.


If you resat a module in August and failed the Board of Examiners may recommend that you to repeat the entire module, which is timetabled for Spring term. This would mean that you will not be required to be in attendance during Autumn term. In this case, the University of Kent would withdraw sponsorship and report this to UKVI. You would be required to leave the UK, apply for a new CAS (as a current student) and return in January under a new Student visa.

Working whilst intermitting, resitting or withdrawn

If you are not attending your course because you are intermitting, resitting out of attendance, or you have withdrawn, the University will withdraw sponsorship of your visa. This means you will have to stop working before your visa curtailment date which will be communicated to you directly by UKVI.

If you remain in the UK after your visa is curtailed, you will be classed as an "overstayer", which can have serious consequences for your UK immigration history. If you do this and continue to work, you risk the following:

  • refusal of immigration applications
  • removal from the UK
  • being banned from returning to the UK for a certain period.

You will receive an email notification from the Student Immigration Compliance Team that we have reported these changes to your visa to the Home Office.

Last updated