Maria Skoutaridou

PhD Student
 Maria Skoutaridou


Maria completed her BA in theology at Aristotle University in Greece, where she was also trained and qualified as a religious education teacher. She then completed her MA in philosophy and religion at the University of London, Heythrop College and she is now at the first year of her PhD at Kent.  

Research interests

Maria’s research interests are wide-ranging going from metaphysics to ethics and aesthetics. Her main research interest, however, is in political and moral philosophy and the topic of her PhD thesis focuses on the liberal conception of the self and its consequences for climate change.  

PhD title

The Ethical Implications of Liberal Possessive Individualism: Exploring Individual Economic Freedom and Environmental Responsibility


This thesis explores the ethical implications of the conception of the self within the concept of liberal possessive individualism and its connection to individual economic freedom and environmental challenges. It challenges the assumption of traditional theories that personal ethical choices lead to the optimal public good and highlights the limitations of this view. The thesis emphasises the dangers of unfettered individual freedom without ethical considerations in the context of environmental impact. It aims to make a significant contribution to political philosophy, moral philosophy, and environmental ethics by providing insightful perspectives on pressing contemporary issues.  


Maria is teaching Philosophy and Sociology at A level in sixth form colleges.  


Dr Edward Kanterian and Professor Simon Kirchin  

Last updated