Almas Ensemble at the University of Kent Music Department

Photo by Daniele Levis Pelus via Unsplash.

The Almas Ensemble

The Music Department's new ensemble

Almas Ensemble: who we are

Born out of Lockdown 2.0 in November 2020, the Almas Ensemble has been founded, in the first instance, to provide filmed performances for audiences to enjoy online.

The ensemble comprises visiting instrumental tutors and professional colleagues, and presents its debut performance screening on Thursday 17 December at 1pm on the Music Department's YouTube channel.

Later in the year, the group will embark on a programme of concerts combined with workshops and coaching sessions, working with student and staff musicians at the University, to provide practical, engaging and educational sessions in which University student and staff musicians will sit alongside professional players, working together as part of the department's vibrant extra-curricular music provision.

The ensemble takes its name from 'almas' meaning 'diamond' in Arabic, and also hinting at 'alma,' 'soul' in Latin - celebrating the joy of collaborative music-making for all which lies at the heart of the department.  

Almas Ensemble rehearsal

A teaser clip of the ensemble rehearsing Piazzolla's fiery 'Libertango'

In rehearsal

The 'Libertango' by Astor Piazzolla