Cochrane Interactive Learning

An online training course covering all aspects of doing a systematic review

How to access this e-resource

You need to sign up for an account the first time you use this:

  1. A warning box will appear on the next screen which says "You seem to be using EZProxy/WAM". Click Please click here first
  2. Click Please log in or create an account
  3. Under "Don't have a account?" click Sign up now
  4. Enter your details and create a password (don't use your Kent IT account password)
  5. Click Sign up
  6. You'll get an email asking you to verify your email address. Follow the link, accept the terms and conditions and click Register for Cochrane Interactive Learning

Registration instructions with screenshots


An online training course covering all aspects of doing a systematic review as well as tips on how to search systematically. Made up of a number of modules you can choose the training that is relevant to your study.

Useful if you study

  • Health
  • Social Policy
  • Sociology
  • Social Research

Or for anyone that is doing a systematic review or systematic literature review