British and Foreign State Papers

A large collection of legal and political documents relating to the political and commercial affairs of nations and their relations with each other.

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The complete set of British and Foreign State Papers 1812-1968 is one of the greatest collections of legal and political documents ever published. It is an invaluable resource for those researching constitutional law, international treaties, and international relations. 

It includes principal documents relating to the political and commercial affairs of nations and their relations with each other since the end of the War in 1814. It also contains texts of international treaties, constitutions, and other diplomatic documents such as statements, speeches, declarations, protocols, and communications that are relevant for international relations and practicing international law.

It's part of World Constitutions Illustrated, from HeinOnline.

Useful if you study:

  • History
  • British history
  • International history
  • Colonial History
  • Politics and international Relations 

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