Information for staff

Below you will find a link to further information on the course proposal/specification document. Please use this document to guide you through the process of developing a Study Plus course:

If you need more details on how to get a new Study Plus course set up, please contact us for a meeting so that we can discuss your prospective course, advise you on the process and explain how we calculate the funds we pay to Schools and non-academic Departments for their Study Plus courses.

Here is some information on key aspects of Study Plus for staff:

  • Study Plus is managed by the Careers and Employability Service.
  • You don't need to be a teacher based in an academic School in order to offer a Study Plus course. Some of our courses are run by non-academic Departments and Centres.
  • Your School/Department/Centre will receive funds from Study Plus for running a course. The amount of funding paid for each course is based on your hourly rate. For example, if you deliver a course which is 1 hour, we will pay for 2 hours (1 hour delivery and 1 hour prep time).
  • Courses are approved and monitored by Study Plus staff, but any proposed course specification which is submitted must first be signed off by the Head of Division prior to coming to the Study Plus team for final approval. This is to ensure that the course is supported both academically and in terms of resources within the School/Centre/Dept for the payment of staff and any other associated costs.
  • The minimum number of students needed in order for a course to run is 5. We will cancel a course if not enough students sign up for it. Trainers will need to take attendance at each session of their course and return completed attendance sheets to us so that we can record and monitor attendance.
Last updated