Your degree, your way

Choose Kent

Our flexible degrees give you choices. It's possible to take modules in another subject area, spend a year abroad or on placement, or developing skills in computing, data analytics or journalism. On many of our programmes you can study part-time. Choose Kent and study your way.

Create your own degree

You’ve chosen the subject you want to study, but at Kent you can still explore other areas by taking elective modules. These modules allow you to expand your learning. So, a Politics student studying 20th-century US politics, might take a module on post-war American cinema, or a Marketing student, interested in the environment, could choose a module on conservation. 

There are lots of possibilities, with modules in foreign languages, art history, criminology, literature, psychology, ancient history, and many more. Take a look at our list of elective modules and create a degree that  matches your ambitions and interests.

Extra-curricular activities

At Kent, we we want to help you make the most of your time at university. Alongside your degree you could learn a language, gain skills in entrepreneurship or media, or further  develop your employability skills. 

There are also lots of opportunities to volunteer. If you're interested in the environment, you could volunteer on a conservation project; if you want to support others, get involved with local community projects. So, expand your thinking and create a university experience that reflects you.