Clearing advice

Press Office
Call centre for Clearing

Kent is ready to help students find a place on its degree programmes.

We will publish our course vacancies online from 06.00. In order to be considered, all clearing applicants must complete the online application form via our clearing website.

We will also be engaging with prospective students on social media, including tweets (from @unikent) offering advice and extensive YouTube, Facebook, Instagram (@unikentlive) and Google activity.

Clearing is the process by which students looking for a place can search for degree courses that still have vacancies.

Anyone entering Clearing this year is being advised to stay calm by Head of Recruitment and Admissions Steven Holdcroft. ‘Students shouldn’t panic. Clearing represents an excellent opportunity to find a degree place that is appropriate,’ he said.

His top tips are:
• Being organised is the key to successfully negotiating the process
Shortlists of courses should be drawn up – but flexibility is also important
• Students should keep in mind the subjects they studied at A level but also think about their wider academic interests
• Students who achieve better than expected or predicted grades at A level can enter a process known as Adjustment. This provides an opportunity for students who have not only met the conditions of their firm choice but have exceeded them to reconsider where, and what, to study
• Above all, students finding themselves in either situation should not feel rushed or pressured. They should take time to think carefully about offers and plan a visit to the university they are considering

Kent will offer campus tours after A level results are announced. As well as taking a virtual tour of Kent’s Canterbury and Medway campuses, prospective students can attend Clearing open days at both campuses on Saturday 17 August.