Professor Peter A Clarkson

Emeritus Professor of Mathematics
+44 (0)7790 504215
Professor Peter A Clarkson


Peter is an Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, with research interests in soliton theory, in particular Painleve equations, asymptotics, orthogonal polynomials, special functions and symmetries of differential equations.

Peter has a strong commitment towards EDI and was awarded the London Mathematical Society's Senior Anne Bennett prize "in recognition of his tireless work to support gender equality in UK mathematics, and particularly for his leadership in developing good practice among departments of mathematical sciences". 

Research interests

  • Soliton theory, in particular the Painlevé equations, and Painlevé analysis.
  • Asymptotics, Bäcklund transformations, connection formulae and exact solutions for nonlinear ordinary differential and difference equations, in particular the Painlevé equations.
  • Orthogonal polynomials and special functions, in particular nonlinear special functions such as the Painlevé equations.
  • Symmetry reductions and exact solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations, in particular using nonclassical and generalized techniques. equations.


Peter is a participant in the NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions project, companion to the NIST Handbook of Mathematical Functions, funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation, and organised by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA. This project is to update Abramowitz and Stegun's Handbook of Mathematical Functions. Peter's role in the project is with writing the chapter on Painlevé Transcendents.  

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