Javier Aguilar Martin

PhD student in Mathematics
 Javier Aguilar Martin


Javier commenced his PhD programme in January 2020, supervised by Dr Constanze Roitzheim.

Research interests

Homological algebra and A-infinity algebras


Grants received: 

  • Awarded a GTA grant by the University of Kent in 2020 to do a PhD in Mathematics and work as a Graduate Teaching Assistant.
  • Awarded a grant as scholarship researcher at IMUS by FIUS (Fundación de Investigación de la Universidad de Sevilla) in 2019.
  • Awarded a collaboration grant by the Minister of Education of Spain in 2018 to work with the department of Geometry and Topology of the University of Seville.
  • Awarded an Intro Severo Ochoa grant by the ICMAT for an introduction to research in 2018, including participation in the JAE school of mathematics.

Conferences attended:

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