Ashley Omondi

International Foundation Programme

The IFP prepared me very well for my degree programme.

Why did you choose to study International Legal Studies at Kent?

I chose Kent because, on top of its reputation as a leading critical law school, it is also known as ‘the UK’s European University’ and has study centres in Europe; I knew I would get an international perspective not only from my year abroad but also at the Canterbury campus.

Where did you live during your IFP year?

I was in Keynes catered accommodation. It was a bit smaller than I expected but the food was good and I met many new people from all over UK and the world.

How easy was it to settle in and make friends?

It was really easy because as IFP students we were provided with so much support and a number of events were held for us which allowed us to meet new people. I got involved with the East African Society, African-Caribbean Society and the Seventh Day Adventist Society during my foundation year.

How well do you think the IFP prepared you for your degree studies?

It prepared me very well because we had a law module that was similar to what first years on the law degree study, just in less detail. So by the time I went into first year I understood all the basic principles, knew a number of key cases and was already efficient at Oscola referencing. I come from an English-speaking country [Kenya] so I was already a native English speaker but through the academic skills module I was really able to improve my academic English to university standard, especially when it came to technical subjects.

What are you enjoying most about your degree studies?

I enjoy the fact that we’re encouraged to voice our opinions even though they may differ from academic scholars and this really helps us think outside the box, which is necessary for someone pursuing a legal career.

 What impact has the coronavirus pandemic had on you?

During the lockdown I returned to Kenya but I am back at Kent now. Law is a relatively easy subject to learn online as even in person it’s mostly discussions. The online classes have been comprehensive and the seminar leaders have been very accommodating to our individual needs so I do feel well supported. I feel safe being back on campus because there are fewer people around and I always have a mask and sanitizer on me, as do a majority of the other students. I socialise less but once in a while I do meet with one or two friends within my accommodation.

How do you think you have changed as a person since you arrived at Kent?

I’ve become a lot more independent and open-minded with the freedom being an international student gives and the interaction with people from all walks of life.

What are your career plans? What do you hope to do in the future?

I hope to one day practise in New York as a corporate lawyer and eventually become managing partner at my own firm.