- University of Kent
- Student Services
- Kent Voices
Kent Voices
Connect with the University of Kent community through audio. From healthy relationships to disability history month, you can listen to lots of interesting discussions with staff and students.
You can find Kent Voices wherever you get your podcasts. This includes Acast, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.
Get in touch
Got an idea for a future episode? Want to give your feedback on the podcast?
If you'd like to suggest a topic you'd like us to cover, or let us know what you think of Kent Voices, please email StudentServicesWeb@kent.ac.uk
Episode list
Below, you can find a summary of available and upcoming episodes of the Kent Voices podcast (ordered by most recent first).
Please note that the views expressed in the Kent Voices podcast are those of the participants, and do not necessarily reflect those of the University of Kent.
Relationships in pop culture - discussion
Student Support and Wellbeing staff, Kent Union officers, and students discuss how the portrayal of relationships in popular culture and the media affects how we live out ours (October 2022).
Kent Union Officers
Learn more about the Kent Union officers, and what they have planned for this year (October 2022).
Making Kent Accessible
Learn more about what is being done at the University of Kent to make your time here accessible (October 2022).
Listen to this podcast to learn more about what the University of Kent's Chaplaincy do for students of all faiths and none. (Summer 2022)
Postgraduate Special
In this special episode, you can hear from both students and staff about the ways you can improve your wellbeing, services available to international students, postgraduate life, and more. (Summer 2022)
Careers and Employability
In this episode of the Kent Voices podcast, you can hear some tips from the Careers and Employability team about recruiters, disability adjustments in the workplace, CVs, and more. (Summer 2022)
Library Resources and Events
Listen to this podcast to learn more about the resources and events that the libraries at the University of Kent have to offer. (May 2022)
Health Support
Listen to this podcast to find out how you can access health support here at Kent from vaccinations to emergency contraception, as well as registering with a GP. (May 2022)
Keeping #ExamCalm
Listen to this podcast on Keeping Exam Calm for revision tips and support services information that you might need during the exam period. (April 2022)
Kent Community Oasis Garden
The Kent Community Oasis Garden (KentCOG), is a welcoming green space on the Canterbury campus, where students, staff and community members work together to create a sustainability hub centred around growing food, listen to the podcast to find out how you can get involved. (March 2022)
Mental Health at University
Check out this podcast with Lee Fellows, Head of Student Support and Wellbeing, for more on what Kent is doing about student mental health. (February 2022)
Living, Working, and Studying with Hidden Impairments
With a panel of University of Kent staff and alumni, the guests discussed how hidden impairments have affected them throughout their lives, how people’s perceptions can have an impact, and what support could, and should, be available. (December 2021)
Sex and Healthy Relationships
Marking United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, this episode covered some important topics such as consent, and first times, as well as some funny bedroom anecdotes! (November 2021)
Faith and Belief at University
Celebrating interfaith week, this podcast looked at the impact of faith on campus, from the perspective of two faith leaders. They spoke about what faith meant to them, and how students can get involved. (November 2021)
Halloween and Bonfire Night
Hear all about staying safe on Bonfire Night, as well as having fun at Halloween! (October 2021)