Simon Barnes

Strategic Partnership Development Manager
07787 120660
 Simon Barnes


I joined the University of Kent in 2017, before that I worked in industry in supply chain management, trade bodies and innovation startups. I have over 40 years industry experience.

My current role is to bring organisations together to address regional, national and international challenges, with support from academics.

These challenges and partnerships development relate to:

  • New science - such as bio-engineering
  • The challenge of transition to net zero for all organisations, including the University itself
  • Digital transformation for organisations - using the power of creativity to promote digital change
  • Addressing health system productivity and disparity in health and wellbeing provision
  • Sustainable supply chains

Partnership with universities can bring new ideas, strengthen your talent pipeline, offer opportunities for collaboration and assist access to new markets.

Sustainability, alignment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, is key to the work of the University, we include these in our objectives and outcomes for the work we do.

To deliver on outcomes we use a variety of approaches including sandpits and workshops with academics. Bootcamp to address specific topics, such as commercialisation. Living Labs, where new technology can be demonstrated for investors to see.

These approaches make working with universities engaging, rewarding. From experienced professorships to young early career researchers, we can find support for your partnership.

Often, we include other academic institutions and the UK Catapults in our collaborations. Our ambition, long term strategic partnerships.

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