Kent to hold forum on suicide prevention in construction industry

Sam Wood
The forum will share challenges and opportunities across the sector.

Kent Business School is hosting an online forum on the Implementation of Suicide Prevention in Construction & Trades, via Zoom from 9.30-11.30 on Tuesday 21 July 2020.

The forum is open to individuals from all sectors and disciplines. The event will work as a platform for discussion, exploring the challenges of organisational suicide prevention in the industry by businesses, non-profit organisations and government. Speakers will explore the emerging collaborations across different organisations for improved and effective prevention.

A total of 13,232 suicides by working people were recorded for the period 2011-2015, 1,400 people of whom worked in Construction, elevating it to the ‘deadliest profession in the UK’ (Rice-Oxley, 2019). Construction and Trades industry workers have 1.6 times higher risk of suicide than the national average in men (Suicide by Occupation England, 2017).

The forum will feature presentations on identifying the key challenges and opportunities at all levels, integrating the latest thinking and best practices in the vital area of suicide prevention. The forum has been developed as part of a research project on suicide prevention in the sector, led by Dr M. May Seitanidi; Reader in Strategy, and Dr Krystin Zigan; Lecturer in Strategy, at Kent Business School.

Journalist and mental health advocate, Mark Rice-Oxley from The Guardian will be moderating the Evolve and Grow Coaching-sponsored event.

Speakers will include:

Dr Krystin Zigan said: ‘This forum’s aim is to discuss actions across the sector that address the challenges and best practices of suicide prevention in the Construction industry; one of the most affected industries compared with other occupational groups. We hope to develop meaningful change from the shared insights for the good of the Construction sector.’

Registration for the Zoom forum can be completed on the University’s website.

Click here to read the final Suicide Prevention Report.