Pop up exhibition explores the evolutionary story of humans

Press Office
Professor Tracy Kivell and Dr Matthew Skinner with one of their fossil exhibits

Anthropologists from the University are holding a ‘pop-up’ human evolution event in Canterbury’s Beaney museum between 28 May and 2 June 2019.

Entitled Meet your fossil ancestors, the event, which is free and open to all, will feature interactive displays telling the story of the earliest humans from their beginnings in Africa six million years ago.

The exhibition is organised by Professor Tracy Kivell and Dr Matthew Skinner of the University’s School of Anthropology and Conservation (SAC), who are world-leading experts on human pre-history.

It will feature an activity area for 3-10 year old children, and over 100 replica human fossil bones and teeth on display through which the public can learn about how our early human ancestors moved around, what they ate, and how they made and used tools.

For more information