September edition of Community Newsletter now available

Olivia Miller

The September 2020 edition of the Community Newsletter has now been published and is available to read online.

Highlights in this issue include:

  • An update on how the University is ensuring a safe return to campus
  • Details on the opening of Kent and Medway Medical School
  • News on the reopening of Kent Sport and Gulbenkian’s cinema and café
  • Kent research insights into employee flexibility and the social struggles of keyworkers during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Key dates for the diary and useful contacts.

Community is designed to keep local residents, businesses and community representatives up-to-date with the latest news and developments from the University of Kent.

We welcome feedback on our work and the way that we communicate with our community. If you have an idea for a story we should feature, if you’d like to comment on an aspect of our work, or if you have a question for us, email

We have also launched new Community webpages to inform how we are working together with local partners to help reduce the spread of COVID-19, and ensure students study, socialise and live safely in the community.