Male student in red t-shirt being interviewed by a man in a suit

Interview advice

Your interview is a great opportunity to showcase your abilities, interests and commitment to study. It’s a two-way process: your interviewer can assess your suitability for the course and you can use the experience to help you decide if the course is right for you.


  • Re-read your personal statement.  Think about the questions you might be asked about it and any work you have submitted. How might you answer those questions? Don’t learn responses by heart, but think about the main points you could make.
  • Do some background reading on the course and the University to show your interviewer that you are committed to studying at Kent.
  • Are there topics or examples of work you’d particularly like to talk about? Prepare specific things you want to say, or a subject you want to discuss.
  • Practise talking about your subject, providing evidence to back up your opinions and responding to unexpected questions. 
  • If your friends have been to interviews already, ask them what it was like. What questions were they asked, and what tips would they give you?

What to wear

It’s important to feel comfortable and create a positive impression. At Kent, we recommend smart-casual wear for interview. 

What to have to hand

  • Your booking details
  • A copy of your UCAS form (for your own reference)
  • Copies of any submitted work
  • The main University telephone number in case you need to contact us

We’ll let you know whether you need to bring or prepare any specific material for the interview or assessment, but feel free to provide any additional information in support of your application.

On the day

  • Try to get a good night’s sleep the night before, and don’t stay up all night worrying!
  • For in-person interviews, plan to arrive early – you'll be more relaxed in your interview if you’ve had plenty of time to find the interview location and gather your thoughts.
  • For online interviews, allow yourself plenty of time to log in, make sure you have a stable internet connection and check out the instructions you have been sent for joining the meeting.    
  • Contact us if there's a problem – especially if you’re going to be late or unavailable due to circumstances beyond your control. You’ll normally be able to rearrange the interview if necessary.
  • To ensure equal opportunity, your interviewer will not be aware of any disability/special needs that you indicate on your UCAS form. If you have any additional requirements for the interview, we recommend that you indicate these when booking your interview, or contact us in advance via KentVision.

What you may be asked

You might be asked questions about:

  • your current studies
  • your choices – for instance, why you want to come here and why you chose this course
  • your achievements and experiences
  • your other interests
  • your plans for the future
  • what you would contribute to the University community.

Make a good impression

Use body language to help you make a good impression. 

  • Always smile when you are introduced – it’s difficult not to return a smile, so it’s a very effective way to establish a rapport with your interviewer.
  • Try to make eye contact with your interviewer and avoid staring at the floor. If you find looking them in the eye difficult, try to look at the ‘triangle’ between the eyes and end of the nose.
  • It’s fine to gesture with your hands when you are being interviewed, but if you’re not sure what to do with them, clasp them in your lap.
  • Try to maintain ‘open’ body language with your arms and legs uncrossed.
  • For online interviews, position your camera in a suitable non-public location and try to ensure that you are not interrupted.
Last updated