Kent among THE's top 100 most international universities

Gary Hughes
Picture by Bet_Noire

The University's position as a leading ‘outward-looking’ institution has been confirmed by the Times Higher Education’s (THE) table of the most international universities in the world 2016.

Published on 14 January, the table ranks Kent 66th out of the 800 leading institutions that were considered.

Based on the results of the THE’s World University Rankings 2015-2016, where Kent was in the top 10% for international outlook, this latest table considers each institution’s proportion of international staff, proportion of international students and proportion of research papers published with at least one co-author from another country.

In 2015, Kent was also ranked among the top 10% in the QS top 100 universities worldwide for international students and staff.

Professor Dame Julia Goodfellow, Vice-Chancellor of the University, said: ‘Our position in this latest league table reflects Kent’s ability to recruit great staff and students from around the world, and the important contributions they make to the life, reputation and impact of the University.

‘It also reflects the strong links, networks and research partnerships we have made with selected universities in areas of the world key to our Internationalisation Strategy.’

Phil Baty, Times Higher Education World University Rankings editor, said: ‘An institution’s global outlook is one of the key markers of a prestigious university. The top institutions hire faculty from all over the world, attract students from a global market of top talent and collaborate with leading departments wherever they happen to be based.

‘All institutions in this list deserve to celebrate – being named one of the most international universities in the world is a sign of great potential, competitiveness and dynamism.’