Tomato Timer

Work in timed sprints with breaks in between (Pomodoro method)


Tomato Timer is a useful tool to improve your productivity when working and studying. Based on the Pomodoro time management technique, it encourages you to break your time into sections of hard work or ‘pomodoros’ (25 minutes) and short breaks (5 minutes). The programme will alert you when a break is due and when you should resume work, and will reward you with a long break (10 minutes) after every four ‘pomodoros’.

Tips for using this tool at Kent

  • ​Enforce focus and regular breaks when doing work or revision
  • Increase your productivity when working on tight deadlines
  • Prevent RSI, eye fatigue and headaches by taking regular breaks

Help & how to get started

  • ​Go to the Tomato Timer website
  • Choose your pomodoros, short breaks and long breaks, and click 'Start'



Terms of use, copyright and licensing
