
Mathematics BSc (Hons)

The course is great, it’s making me rethink maths and the areas I enjoy.

Why did you choose Kent?

The main reasons I chose Kent were the modules, the facilities and the city of Canterbury.

What was it about the modules that attracted you?

In the first two years, you learn techniques and processes but you also learn how to think like a mathematician. When you’re working on a problem, you may understand intuitively why something works but you have to be able to write your formula in a way that any mathematician anywhere in the world can understand. It’s called a proof and is basically your legal argument to support your formula. I really enjoy that kind of work. I like to know why things are true, that’s why I chose maths.

How is your course going?

It’s great, it’s making me rethink maths and the areas I enjoy. There are so many different fields within maths and some are very abstract, but what has surprised me is how much they all relate to each other to create the big picture. For me maths is not just a discipline of numbers, it’s more a way of thinking.

Are your lecturers supportive?

Our lecturers have a great deal of experience and expertise which makes them very charismatic, but they are also down to earth and approachable. They’re always happy to help if you want to discuss a problem or an assignment.

Describe the facilities at Kent?

The facilities at Kent are very good. The lecture theatres are up-to-date and comfortable so it’s easy to concentrate. The technology is amazing; if the lecturer is writing on a computer or a tablet it appears on the walls in the lecture theatre and after the lecture that’s converted into a PDF and is uploaded on to Moodle [online learning space]. So if you miss anything in the lecture, you can go back and check. I don’t understand how it all works but it is very helpful!

Do you have time for a social life?

Definitely, we’re not always solving equations! I like hanging out with friends in the evening. I'm not a party person, but I think there is enough to do if you are.

You mentioned that Canterbury was a factor in your choice, why?

Canterbury is lovely, not too busy but it has all the things you expect to find in a city and there’s a nice walk along the riverside too. There are beaches nearby and countryside too, where you can just enjoy the fresh air.

Have you used any of the support services?

I have been in touch with the Student Learning Advisory Service. They run maths clinics with maths tutors who are independent, not from my school, so if you are stuck on a topic you can talk to them about it.

Have you been able to get involved in University life?

I am the student EDI Rep for my academic division. The University aims not just to live up to its legal obligations when it comes to protected characteristics, we’re striving to promote the best practices and set an example for the world. I’m very happy to be a part of trying to achieve that. I’m also a student ambassador.

What does a student ambassador do?

I’ve worked at University open events, meeting prospective students and giving tours of the maths building. It’s fun and you also get to meet other student ambassadors and talk to your lecturers in a more informal setting. There are lots of different work opportunities offered to ambassadors and it’s flexible so you can fit the work around your studies. I enjoy being involved in the Scheme.

What advice would you give to somebody who is thinking of coming to Kent?

I would say, be confident and take it easy, things will fall into place as time progresses.