Enya Kenny

Human Geography BSc (Hons)

It's inspiring to have experts in their fields sharing their knowledge with us. 

Why did you choose to study Human Geography at Kent?

Human Geography, for me, is a subject so varied and so relevant to the world we live in that I would have felt left out if I hadn’t chosen it and learned all that it has to offer. I took Geography at A level and was fascinated by both the physical and human aspects of it, but the human factors really connected with me when I could see what I was learning about reflected in the people around me and the environment in which I live.

The University of Kent appealed to me, not only because of its location in Canterbury, a city I knew and live close to, but also because of my link with its past. My Mum is a Kent graduate herself and her time at the University is such a fond memory to her that it seemed only right that I experienced this adventure for myself. In addition to this, I came to a Hare Krishna evening here last year with a friend, and it opened my eyes to how diverse and multifaceted the University is.

How did you feel when you first arrived? Was it easy to settle in?

A mixture of bubbling apprehension and perplexing excitement. Having considerate lecturers and seminar leaders definitely alleviated a lot of the tension. I think it really helped that I found the lectures so interesting as well; it made me feel that what I was doing had real purpose.

As I live quite near the University, I made the decision to live at home and travel in each day rather than living on campus. There are lots of advantages to living on campus – being so close where your lectures and seminars are taking place, for instance, and being able to pop back to your room between lectures – but I made the decision that was right for me and my overall wellbeing.

Is your course living up to your expectations?

My course has superseded all of my expectations. The specificity and level of insight that each topic goes into has fascinated me; it’s as if every piece of information has been placed under a microscope and is being looked at from every possible angle. One module in particular that I really loved explored the different ways in which cultures around the world experience relationships; it was incredibly interesting as it broke down my perceptions of the norms and taboos of how societal structures work.

What do you think of the lecturers?

My lecturers have been great at making sure we all receive the knowledge we need to succeed in our exams and assignments. It’s inspiring to be surrounded by so much intelligence and to have individuals who are experts in their fields sharing their knowledge with us.

What are your fellow students like?

I’ve made some close friendships that I know will continue into the future; some with people I met on my first day and others that have developed gradually. Going on field trips definitely accelerated the development of friendships and helped connections to blossom. The University has a lot of international students, and it’s refreshing to be somewhere that has such a concentration and variety of cultures and ethnicities.

What about the facilities on campus? Have you got a favourite spot?

The facilities for my course are plentiful and the campus woodland has come in handy for one of my modules, too. Overall, there are more facilities than I could have ever imagined: restaurants, cafés, bars, a cinema, a club. It’s extremely beneficial for a commuting student like me when there’s a three-hour gap in between lectures, and I often find myself in Dolche Vita with a hot drink whilst I wait. Anywhere on campus is an enjoyable location as long as there are friends present.

Have you got any thoughts yet about what you’d like to do, career-wise?

I’m immensely passionate about smoothing out inequalities and alleviating the disadvantages placed upon people through external factors, and so a career in aid or feminist controversies around the globe inspires me greatly. In terms of feminism, I’m attracted to the idea of being involved in countries where women experience great violence and other forms of extreme discrimination because it unsettles the very core of my being knowing that behaviour like this still occurs. I’ve opted for a feminist philosophy module in the coming academic year and if I can do it, this will be a positive step towards my career aspirations.

Have you got any advice for someone thinking of coming to Kent?

Follow your heart. I had completed a foundation degree in art and design and had a place at an arts university, but I realised, somewhat last minute, that this was not the right path for me. It was absolutely the right decision, so if your gut is telling you to come to Kent, or to choose a certain course – do it. I don’t want to sound too clichéd, but the decision really did change my life.