Take it from Toni


Thinking about going from undergrad to postgrad study but not sure what to expect? Take it from Toni. Currently studying for a Master’s in Criminology, and soon to take up an exciting role with Kent Union, she knows what it’s like to level up and take the next step.

'I wasn't sure whether I'd be good enough to do a Master’s, but doing very well in my undergrad helped me to make up my mind. Kent was the natural choice for me; I enjoyed my first degree in Criminal Justice and Criminology at Medway and I knew from my years going back and forth to the Canterbury campus to play netball that it would be a lovely place to continue my studies.

I’m glad I decided to stay on for further study – I’m really enjoying my Master’s. Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot to get your head around but, in terms of content, I wouldn’t say it’s been any harder than my undergrad. The noticeable difference I’ve found is that the assignments are longer and the classes are smaller, so you have to stay on top of all your reading!'

“My first degree really prepared me for a Master’s and, oddly, so did the pandemic in terms of independent learning. The gradual build-up in academic intensity from my first year to now helped me get used to different ways of working too.” 

'So now, whenever I’m given an assignment, I know exactly what to do: I put the deadlines in my calendar; track them against my study commitments for my other modules and then create a detailed plan to get them done. I try to work a month in advance of my deadlines, which has served me well so far.

You’ll be more independent as a Master’s student and I enjoy it for that reason. That doesn’t mean you’ll be alone though, there are always people you can go to for support – if I email my lecturers or the Head of Criminology, they get back to me pretty much straightaway. The postgraduate community is also very supportive. I’m in a group chat with all of my course mates and we reach out to each other if we need help.’

Toni’s proof that your Master’s doesn’t have to be all work and no play, something she’s keen to share with any recent graduates: ‘I’m really excited to start as Kent Union’s Vice-President for Student Engagement once I’ve finished my Master’s. Running for the role was great fun, if not a bit intense, but it was something I wanted to make time for during my Master’s.

And that would be my biggest takeaway for anyone reading this – don’t be put off a Master’s because you think you’re going to stare at your laptop 24/7! It’s really worth it, and there’s still plenty of time for fun, you’ve just got to be passionate about your subject and nail your time management. Get the balance right and you’ll get the most out of your postgrad experience.'