Convention de stage

Students seeking internships in France, Spain or Italy will probably be asked for a “Convention de Stage’ or ‘Convenio de Colaboracin’ or ‘Accordo di collaborazione’ by French, Spanish and Italian host companies.

What is the Convention de stage?

The agreement is basically a work contract for an internship position. It is a standard tripartite agreement between the University of Kent, the Employer and yourself confirming that you are enrolled as a current University of Kent student and that you will be returning to university following your internship. It states that the purpose of the internship is to allow the student to apply his/her theoretical knowledge into practice. Therefore, your academic school will need to approve the internship as being of benefit to your degree course/intended career.
The internship agreement is a legal requirement in these countries for anyone undertaking an internship.

How do I get it?

If you are a current University of Kent student we can issue the appropriate agreement to enable you to undertake the internship.

Please note:

  • The University cannot enter into the agreement on behalf of graduates – you must be a registered student for the entire duration of the placement
  • The agreement can only be issued in response to an offer of employment. You can let potential employers know that the University can and will issue the appropriate agreement when the employment offer is received (as long as the role meets the legal requirements of the convention de stage agreement).

When you have your offer of employment, please complete the Convention de Stage request form.

What happens next?

  • The information you have provided will be reviewed, and we will either contact you for further information/clarification or pass the details to your Academic School for approval.
  • We will ask your Academic School to approve the internship as being of benefit to your degree course. It is therefore essential that you provide a brief but clear description of the role.
  • If the internship is approved the details will then be sent to the Contracts Team to issue the agreement to both the company and you for signature.

Please allow 2 weeks for the agreement to be drawn up and issued. If you have any queries please call the Careers & Employability Service office on 01227 823299

What should you do next?


The University can provide free Travel and Personal Accident Insurance, which provides worldwide protection for students who travel on course related activities such as research, work experience and field work.

Complete the travel notification form (you will need your Kent login to access the forms)

European Health Insurance Card

All EU/EEA nationals must obtain the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). The EHIC provides medical cover in other EU/EEA countries or Switzerland for short periods.

  • UK nationals – apply online
  • Non-UK nationals – apply to the issuing body in your home country

Changing the contract

Please note that after signing the contract the terms cannot be changed without the written agreement of all three signatories. If you need to change something please get in touch via

Last updated