VC comments on Europe and research excellence in the UK

Gary Hughes
Vice-Chancellor Professor Dame Julia Goodfellow by Matt Wilson/University of Kent

Dame Julia's UCL European Institute article examines the role of the EU in sustaining and fostering UK research excellence.

Her article follows her recent visit and talk on the European HE agenda to colleagues at the University of Ghent, one of Kent’s international strategic partners.

In the introduction to her article, Dame Julia notes that ‘international openness is a pillar of our research strength in the UK’. She goes on to explore the four areas of the European Union that she considers to be particularly beneficial for research in the UK:

  • freedom of movement
  • specific programmes to promote staff and student exchanges
  • how EU support helps expand UK research activity
  • the role that the EU can play in helping to establish and promote research priorities

The full transcript of Dame Julia’s article can be read here.