Maria Francesca Bria

Criminology and Cultural Studies - BA (Hons)

Kent is the perfect place to spend the three years of your undergraduate studies.

What attracted you to Kent and to this particular programme?

I decided to study at Kent because the Criminology and Cultural Studies degree allowed me to combine two of my interests. In addition, Kent’s position in the rankings convinced me to apply.

How were your studies? Which areas did you find particularly inspiring or interesting?

I really enjoyed the criminological part of the programme, especially the modules on criminological theories and a module that covered war, terrorism and atrocity.

Were your lecturers supportive?

Whenever I asked for help, the academic staff were always willing to help me.

How did your course prepare you for your future?

I now know how to write good essays, papers and reports. Moreover, the degree taught me how to think outside the box.

How did you enjoy your time at Kent in general?

I enjoyed spending three years at Kent, there’s lots to do at the University and around the city of Canterbury, especially at night. I liked working in the library, I found it not just to be a place to study but also a place where you meet new people, make friends and chill with them during breaks.

In what way has your degree helped you find further study?

I am currently enrolled on a Master’s in Security Policies. My degree at Kent helped me to move on to postgraduate study because it gave me self-confidence and a thorough understanding of the concepts and theories that I?studied.

What are your plans for the future?

In the future, I would like to work for organisations that are involved in the illicit market of art traffic.

What would you say to prospective students?

Kent is the perfect place to spend the three years of your undergraduate studies. Its located near Canterbury, which is a small city that has lots of things to do and see, and is easy to explore on foot.

What advice would you give to prospective students?

In my first year, I lived in University accommodation, it was great and helped me to make lots of friends, many of whom I am still in contact with.