Federico Maccari

Management Science MSc

You gain the skills you need for a successful career and meet people who will remain friends for your whole life.

What attracted you to the course? What made you want to go into this area of study? 

I studied Management Engineering in Italy, and Management Science is the perfect step forward to gain analytical skills that nowadays are so requested in the job market. I have always liked to solve problems, apply theories and have results that are unquestionable and this area’s focus is exactly on that

Why did you choose to study at Kent? 

Coming as a Double Degree program I had different choices all around the world, but the campus facilities and ascending trend of Kent in the rankings in the last years, as well as the prospect of opening to myself not just to the UK job market but to the entire Commonwealth made me choose to come to Canterbury.

What did you particularly enjoy about your studies/time here?

I enjoyed the wide range of subject available and the idea you gain that everyone is inter-correlated with eachother. That is how it is then in the real world. Then how not to mention the international environment I’ve lived in?! People coming from every continent, different cultures and different languages, I grew up as much thanks to them as much as for the studies.

Which modules did you enjoy the most, and why? 

It is difficult to say just one. One would be Simulation and Optimization Software: we had a brilliant professor, and building aspects of the real world in a computer, being able to change them and visualize what happen has been really fascinatin. It is a tool not very used at the moment but it is for sure the future of problem solving. Another is Data Mining and Forecasting: I knew before that from big amounts of data was possible to gain many information, but learning practical tools to extrapolate them, and understand the logic of interpretation is another thing. This module helped me a lot for my dissertation.

What about the teaching? 

We had Professors coming from all around the world and this gave me different approaches to the subjects, which helped in my whole experience. The competence of the staff is undoubtful and the teaching methods are balanced between theory lectures, exercises sessions and many presentations which helped also the shyest of us to manage some stress situation.

What was the level of support like at Kent for postgraduates? 

I’ve had many opportunities, and many others that I did not participate. I’ve been selected for the Implant Scheme which is a great way of the university to help you enter in the job world already with the dissertation. I took part at the Enterprise Day and dedicated job fairs held in the Business school. You are supported in any part of your life here, including helping with stress during exams.

What were the facilities like in your school and on campus generally?

Kent Business School is not so big, but as soon as you enter you can feel the professionalism it requires. This is inspiring. I love to do Sports, and the Sports Center has everything you can imagine to stay fit and enjoy time with your friends and de-stress after long days of studying in the library. Nevertheless all along University there are different type of restaurants to eat either Italian or Mexican food or just a burger. During summer a mention has to be given to the parks and woods all around and inside the university, this is probably the icing on the cake of Kent.

What does doing a further degree give you that a first degree doesn't? 

This Master's degree has been crucial to connect my academic studies with the job world. My first degree was focused in giving me knowledge, while the Master's gave me the tools and the path to follow to apply that knowledge to real problems. For me especially, doing the Master's abroad gave me an international perspective which, In the globalised world, is a must if you want to succeed in business.

What are your future plans/aspirations? 

I’m planning to start working in the UK, maybe in the same company I’m doing the dissertation for as a Data Analyst. Analytics is a requested field nowadays and the opportunities are many here. My dream are to go to Australia working in the nautical sector having also an Engineering degree, and studying at Kent has been the first step to reach this goal.

Finally, what advice would you give to graduates thinking of coming to Kent to study at postgraduate level?

There is no doubt that Kent is a great choice. You gain the skills you need for a successful career and meet people who will remain friends for your whole life. Who knows, they  may become collegues. The only advice I can give is to come hungry for knowledge both as a student than as a person. Finally - Fresher’s week is a must!