Information Services



Regulations for IT and Library use at Kent

Information Services provide students, staff and visitors with IT and library services, and training and support to help users make the most of services and facilities.

We expect everyone to use services responsibly and provide regulations and codes of conduct to ensure users know what is expected of them.

IT and Library regulations

Including code of conduct, policies and guidelines:

Privileged user charter

If you have elevated permissions to any University of Kent IT systems, it is your responsibility to read and abide by the:

Staff access to key corporate applications policy

This policy outlines the University's process for the timely removal/disabling of user IDs of staff working on key corporate applications that have left the University or have changed their role:

Creating digital object identifiers (DOIs) policy

The University has a policy for creating digital object dentifiers (DOIs) for University of Kent resources and works.

Copyright policy

The University has a policy ad strategy covering use of copyright material and offers guidance on copyright.



Information Services, University of Kent

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Last Updated: 08/09/2021