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European network on invasive parakeets

Working Group 2: European Monitoring Centre

A virtual EMC will be created for monitoring spread of parakeets and the other alien parrot species established in Europe and predicting their future impacts on European agro-economy, society and wildlife. This Centre will facilitate characterisation of ‘risk-profiles’ at both national and European scales to inform key EC policy areas such as ‘Agriculture and Environment’, ‘Climate Change’ and ‘Rural Development’. The Centre will develop and produce scenario-based projections of parakeet spread and subsequent impacts, and will formulate key recommendations for IAS policy. WG2 will comprise database managers of existing IAS online resources, web resource developers, natural and social science experts and conservation planners.
Task 1: Identify core datasets and data types (from WG1 and WG3) required to effectively monitor change in parrot distribution, density and impacts.
Task 2: Explore innovative approaches to analysing trends and patterns of parrot spread that integrate measures of impact, and compare suitability of different existing IAS platforms for use by EMC (linking to WG1). Identify and align STSMs accordingly.
Task 3: Develop EMC as integrated online resource building upon and integrating parrot data from DAISIE, ISC, NOBANIS and GISD repositories.
Task 4: Develop and propose standardised approaches to predict future impacts by parrots, and formulate key recommendations for IAS policy-makers.
Milestone 1: Summarise core datasets required for long-term monitoring and measurement of impacts.
Milestone 2: Compare different approaches for analysing trends and prioritize most appropriate IAS platforms.
Milestone 3: Combine available data from existing information-systems with updated parrot information.
Milestone 4: Publish and present through EMC predictions of future impacts of parrots at different spatial (local, national, pan-European) and temporal scales.

Below - Observations of ringneck parakeet in Europe taken from Ebird.

parakeet distribution from Ebird

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The University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NZ, T: +44 (0)1227 764000

Last Updated: 29/09/2014