Governing Scientific Accountability in China

An Exciting Start to GSA-China!

3 February 2015

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GSA-China officially kicked off on 19th January 2015 and there is already a fascinating data set to analyse!

Currently the PI, Joy Zhang, is working with the Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development (CASTED) to systematically re-examine a recent set of interviews and focus groups on risks and ethical issues relating to Chinese environmental sciences and biosciences. This data set is on scientific practitioners, or as professors at CASTED defined, on the 'scientific commons'.

This exercise will be invaluable for GSA-China's field research later this year. Special thanks to PhD candidates Liao Miao (Tsinghua University) and Feng Danyang (University of Tokyo) for all their assistance.

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SSPSSR, Faculty of Social Sciences, Cornwallis North East, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NF

Last Updated: 03/02/2015

Image by Steve Jurvetson