Information Services

Library regulations

Unattended items and PCs in the Library

Student feedback tells us that most students don't like it if others leave belongings on desks and chairs to reserve a study space. If you need to leave your desk or chair, take personal items (including your laptop) with you. Do not run the risk of losing your work or personal items.

Unattended items

If our staff find unattended personal items, we leave a dated and timed note. It says: If still unattended in 20 minutes time, staff will remove your items and store them securely. To claim them you will need your KentOne card.

We will record your Kent IT Account username so that we can track regulation compliance. It may be used for follow-up actions.

PCs left unattended

If you leave a PC unattended without using Take a Break, you are leaving your account open for others to use. They have access to your email, your work and any saved information in your account.

You are responsible for all activity on your IT Account. This includes any actions performed by others because you didn't secure your PC.

Leaving PCs unattended or trying to reserve them prevents others from working.

Unattended PCs will have Take a Break turned on by staff, and you could lose work. Staff will also record your username and it may be used for follow-up actions.

Use the Take a break app if you leave your PC

  • Save your work and click the Take a Break icon on the Desktop. This opens the Take a Break app.
  • The PC is locked for 20 minutes. Only you can unlock it.
  • Others cannot use the PC in your name or access your content.
  • After 20 minutes it logs you out so that others can log in.
  • If you left unsaved work open, it will be lost.




Information Services, University of Kent

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Last Updated: 26/01/2021