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Social Contexts and Responses to Risk



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Network Books

Risk in Social Science
Edited by Peter Taylor-Gooby, Professor of
Social Policy, University of Kent, and Jens O.
Zinn, Research Fellow, University of Kent.

Social Theories of Risk and Uncertainty An Introduction
Edited by: Jens O.Zinn, Senior Research Fellow, University of Kent.

Papers for download

Working Papers - 2008

Working Papers - 2007

Working Papers - 2006

Working Papers - 2005

Working Papers - 2004

Conference papers for download:

Risk & Rationalities Conference 29 -31 March 2007

Taking Stock of Trust 12 December 2005

Launch Conference 28-29 January 2005


Projects and Publications


Family Change, Intimate Relationships and Risk

Lewis, Jane, Noden P. and Sarre S. (2008):‘Parent’s working hours: adolescent children’s views and experiences’ Children and Society, published online 7 December 2007, forthcoming in print 2008.
Lewis, Jane, (2007) 'Teenagers and their parents : parental time and parenting style - what are the issues?'.
Political Quarterly 78 (2), 292-300.
Lewis, Jane, Sarre S. & Burton, J. (2006): 'Dependence and independence: perceptions and management of risk in respect of children aged 12-16 in families with working parents' Community, Work and Family 10 (1), 75-93.
Lewis, Jane (2006): 'Perceptions of risk in intimate relationships', Journal of Social Policy, 35, 1, 39-58.
Lewis, Jane and Haskey, J.(2006): 'Living-apart-together in Britain: context and meaning'. International Journal of Law in Context 2 (1), 37-48.
Lewis, Jane (2006): 'Repartnering and the management of risk'. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 20: 1-18.
Lewis, Jane & Sarre S. (2006): 'Risk and intimate relationships', in P. Taylor Gooby and J.Zinn (eds.) Learning about Risk. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Maclean, Mavis (with John Eekelaar) (2005):'Taking the plunge: perceptions of risk-taking associated with formal and informal partner relationships' Children and Family Law Quarterly 17 (2).
Lewis, Jane (2003): 'Family change and family politics in the UK'. Journal for the Study of British Cultures 9 (2) 2003: 209-222.
Lewis, Jane (2003): Should We Worry about Family Change? The 2001 Joanne Goodman Lectures. ISBN 0802087469, Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Working papers

Lewis, J. 2005: Perceptions of Risk in Intimate Relationships at Entry to Partnership and with the Arrival of Children: the Implications for Social Provision (SCARR WP5)

Maclean, M & Eekelaar, J 2005: Taking the plunge: perceptions of risk taking associated with formal and informal partner relationships (SCARR WP7)

Lewis, J.E. Sarre, S & Burton, J 2006:Dependence and Independence: Perceptions and Management of Risk in respect of Children aged 12-16 in Families with Working Parents (SCARR WP11)

Risk Perceptions and Responses, Transitions in the Life-Course

Cebulla, Andreas (2007): 'Class or individual? A test of the nature of risk perceptions and the individualisation Thesis of Risk Society Theory', Journal of Risk Research, 10 (2), 129-148.
Predelli, Line Nyhagen (2007): 'Social contexts and risk perceptions: The impact of illness', Teno Times, 58, March 2007 (Nottingham and East Midlands RSI Support Group).
Cebulla Andreas, Smith N.,Cox L. & Davis A., (2006): 'Risk perception and the presentation of self: reflections from fieldwork on risk', Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 7 (1), Art.9,
Cebulla, Andreas (2004): 'Risk events and learning from error: When are assessments of the risk of unemployment revised?' Risk, Decision and Policy, 9, (4)/October-December, 297-336.
Cebulla, Andreas (2003): Working Papers, Selected Articles, Contributions and Pamphlets: 'Zur Privatisierung der Arbeitsmarktpolitik in Grossbritannien und Deutschland. Raum für private Arbeitslosenversicherung?' Zeitschrift für Sozialreform, 49 (1), 134-152. ISSN 0514 2776.

Perceiving and Responding to Risk: The Impact of Difference

Abbott David, Jones, Anwen and Quilgars, Deborah (2008): 'Financial planning and the influence of sexuality'. Sexuality Research & Social Policy (paper ready for submission Feb 2008)
Quilgars, Deborah, Abbott, David and Jones, Anwen 'Does difference make a difference? Financial planning for risk across social groups', Social Policy and Administration (paper submitted for agreed Special Issue).
Jones, Anwen, Abbott, David and Quilgars, Deborah (2006): 'Social inequality and risk', in Taylor-Gooby, P. and Zinn, J. Risk and Social Science, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Abbott, David, Quilgars, Deborah and Jones, Anwen
: (2006): 'The impact of social and cultural difference in relation to job loss and financial planning: reflections on the risk society', Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 7 (1).

Conference Papers

Abbott, David, Jones, Anwen and Quilgars, Deborah (2007): 'Individualisation and risk perception and communication', The 16th Society for Risk Analysis Europe Conference, Building Bridges: Issues for future risk research, World Forum Conference Centre, The Hague, 17-19 June .
Jones, Anwen, Abbott, David and Quilgars, Deborah (2007): 'Investigating cultural responses to risk: The influence of faith and sexuality', ESRC Social Contexts and Responses to Risk, Risks & Rationalities Conference, Queens College, University of Cambridge, 29-31 March.
Quilgars, Deborah, Jones, Anwen & Abbott, David (2006): 'Making financial provision: how different social groups plan for risk: the role of faith', British Association Festival for the Advancement of Science, University of East Anglia, 2-9 September.
Jones, Anwen and Quilgars, Deborah and Abbott, David (2005): 'Risk perceptions and planning for unemployment: The impact of difference?', The British Sociological Association Annual Conference, University of York, March 21-23.
Abbott, David, Quilgars, Deborah & Jones, Anwen (2005): 'Risk and difference: All equal in the market place?', Festival for the British Association.
Quilgars, Deborah, Abbott, David, and Jones, Anwen (2005): 'Reflecting on the risk society: Does difference make a difference?', Learning About Risk: Launch conference - ESRC Social Contexts and Responses to Risk Network, University of Kent at Canterbury, 28-29 January.

Risk and Interpersonal Affect

Parkinson, Brian and Simons, Gwenda (2008): Affecting others: 'Emotion contagion and social appraisal in everyday decision-making'. Manuscript under review.
Parkinson, Brian (2007): 'Emotiones sociales'. In Punset, E. (Ed.), Emociones básicas 76-92. Madrid: Fundación Santander.

Conference presentations and Working Papers

Simons, Gwenda and Parkinson, Brian (2007, July): 'She thinks I am wrong! Adult social referencing in a decision task'. Poster presented at the XVIth Conference of the International Society for Research on Emotions (ISRE) in Coolum, Queensland, Australia.
Parkinson, Brian (2007): 'Emotions and other people: communicating appraisals, adjusting relations', Invited public lecture as part of the Santander Foundations's series on basic emotions, Madrid, Spain.
Trombello, J., Simons, Gwenda, and Parkinson, Brian (2007, August): 'Reassurance-seeking, emotions, and decision-making'. Poster presented at MSc Neuroscience poster session, Oxford University, UK.
Simons, Gwenda and  Parkinson, Brian (2007): 'Taking others' feelings into account : facial expression and their interpersonal effects during decision making', Risk and rationalities conference, Cambridge, UK.
Simons, Gwenda and Parkinson, Brian
(2007): 'Interpersonal communication and risk'. Paper presented during the ‘Methodological developments in risk perception and communication’ symposium at the 16th SRA Europe Conference (Building bridges: Issues for future risk research June 2007) in The Hague, the Netherlands.
Simons, Gwenda and Parkinson, Brian (2006): 'Interpersonal affect and risky decision making'. In C. Douilliez & P. Philippot (Eds.) CERE Second European Conference on Emotion: Proceedings, (pp 81). In addition to the paper presentation it appeared in the proceedings.
Parkinson, Brian and Simons, Gwenda (2006, Sept): 'Interpersonal Affect and Judgement: The ‘how do you feel about it?’ heuristic'. Paper presented at the BPS Social Psychology Section Annual Conference in Birmingham, UK.
Simons, Gwenda and Parkinson, Brian (2006, May): 'Interpersonal affect and risky decision making'. Paper presented at the Second European Conference on Emotion of the Consortium of European Researchers on Emotion (CERE) in Louvain la Neuve, Belgium.
Parkinson, Brian and Simons, Gwenda (2005, Sept): 'Taking other people's feelings into account when appraising risky situations'. Joint paper presentation at the BAAS Festival of Science in Dublin, Ireland.
Simons, Gwenda and Parkinson, Brian (2005, July): 'Risk and Interpersonal affect'. Poster presented at the XIVth Conference of the International Society for Research on Emotions (ISRE) in Bari, Italy.

Simons, G & Parkinson, B 2006: Investigating Naturalistic Decision-Making Using Computerized Diaries (SCARR WP16)

Media Discourses and Framing

Kitzinger, Jenny (submitted 2008): Questioning the sci-fi alibi:a critique of how 'science fiction fears' are used to explain away public concerns. Submitted to special issue of Journal of Risk Research (special issue, edited by A. Anderson et al.).
itzinger, Jenny
(in press, 2008): 'Rescuing hope: the Hwang affair', Science as Culture.
Kitzinger, Jenny
Joan Haran, Maureen McNeil, Kate O'Riordan (2007): Human Cloning in the Media: From Science Fiction to Science Practice, Routledge, ISBN: 978-0-415-42236-9.
Kitzinger, Jenny (2007): 'Framing and Frame Analysis'. In Devereux, E, Media studies: key issues and debates. Sage: London.
Kitzinger, Jenny, Williams, C, and Henderson, L (2007): 'Science, media and society: the framing of bioethical debates around risk and embryonic stem cell research between 2000 and 2005' in Glasner, P. Atkinson, P. and Greenslade, H. (eds) New Genetics, New Social Formations, Routledge: London. 204-231.
Horlick-Jones, T, Walls, J, and Kitzinger, Jenny (2007): 'Bricolage in action: learning about, making sense of, and discussing, issues about genetically modified crops and food', Health, Risk and Society, 9(1), 83-103.
Kitzinger, Jenny (2006): 'The role of the media in public engagement with science', Turney, J (ed) Engaging Science: thoughts, deeds, analysis and action. Wellcome Trust. 44-50.
Hughes, J., Kitzinger, Jenny, Murdock, G. (2006): 'Risk and the media', Taylor-Gooby, P and Zinn, J (eds) Risk in Social Science, Oxford University Press: Oxford. 250-270.
Hughes, Emma
(2006): 'Bordering risk: The symbolic maintenance of modernist categories in the British GM debate.' Environmental Politics (special issue) Taylor and Francis Group: London. [Also reprinted in Bluehdorn, I and Welsh, I (eds.) The Politics of Unsustainability: Eco-Politics in the Post-Ecologist Era, Taylor and Francis Group: London].
Kitzinger, Jenny and Williams, Clare (2005): 'Forecasting science futures: legitimising hope and calming fears in the stem cell debate', Social Science and Medicine 61(3), 731-740.
Hughes, Emma (2005): 'The contaminated risk of GM crops: Nationalism and the genetic modification debate.' Journal of Public Affairs 5, 251-262.

Conference presentations

Hughes, Emma and Kitzinger, Jenny (2008) ‘Mediating Risk and New Technologies: How publics and the media frame the costs and benefits of GM crops, stem cell and nanotechnology’. launch seminar, 16th May, Royal Society (with attendees from policy, academia and industry) (see SCARR Events
Kitzinger, Jenny (2008) Risk and the media: framing questions and answers. ISA forum of Sociology.
5-8th September 2008, Barcelona.
Kitzinger, Jenny (2007): 'Debunking the 'science fiction' explanation of public concerns about science: risk and the myth of the Frankenstein myth.' Society for the Social Studies of Science annual conference, 10-13th October 2007, Montreal, Canada.
Kitzinger, Jenny (2007): 'Audience research in context', Sharing experience Conference, Wales.
Kitzinger, Jenny (2007): 'Mass media & health Communication' Keynote: Fifth interdisciplinary conference on communication, Medicine & Ethics University of Lugano, Switzerland 28th-30th June 2007.
Kitzinger, Jenny (2006): 'Forecasting science futures: Legitimising hope and calming fears in the embryo stem cell debate.' European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop: Stem Cell Cultures: Exploring the Social and Cultural Background to European Debates about Human Embryonic Stem Cells', Nottingham, 11-12 March 2006.
Kitzinger, Jenny (2006): Consultation Event, The Future of Technology, Windsor Castle, 13 May.
Kitzinger, Jenny and Hughes, Emma (2006) Colloquium: 'Communicating health: The role of journalistic practices, values and ethics', COMET, University of Cardiff, 29 June.
Kitzinger, Jenny (2006): 'Hype and hope: communicating risks and benefits when talking to the media about scientific progress', training session for scientists, bbrsc/MRC event, London, 20 July.
Hughes, Emma (2006): 'Biotechnology and risks: when and why do health risks become News?', 'BSA: 'Health, Risk and Society', University of Kent, 3-5 September.
Kitzinger, Jenny and Hughes, Emma (2006): 'Reporting risk: the British media's discussion of genetic research', BAAS Festival of Science, University of East Anglia, 7 September.
Hughes, Emma (2006): 'Holding the line: Nationalism and the GM debate', Cesagen Seminar Series, University of Lancaster, 18 October 2006.
Kitzinger, Jenny (2006): 'Rescuing hope: Managing perceptions of risks and benefits in the face of the potential PR disaster of research fraud', 4S bi-annual conference, Vancouver, 1-5 November.
Kitzinger, Jenny and Hughes, Emma (2006): 'Biotechnology and risks': BA Festival of Science, 7th Sept, York.
Murdock, Graham and Hughes, Emma (2005): 'Altered anxieties, changing media: Rethinking risk communication' , Learning About Risk, University of Kent, 28-29 January.
Murdock, Graham (2005): 'Mediating risk: Professional practices and popular Understandings' British Sociological Association Annual Conference, University of York, 21-23 March.
Murdock, Graham (2005): 'Popular narratives and risk society', Humanity and Nature: International Conference on Aesthetics and Literature in the Light of Contemporary Eco-Civilisation, Organised by The Centre for Literary Theory and Aesthetics, Shandong University, Qindao, China, 19-22 August.
Hughes, Emma (2005): 'The contaminated risk of genetically modified crops: The Symbolic Maintenance of Modernist Categories in the British GM debate', Risk Society: Critical Interrogations British Sociological Association Risk Study Group, Liverpool Hope University, 5-6 September.
Kitzinger, Jenny (2005): 'Biotechnology talk and the mass media', Talking Biotechnologies, University of Wellington, New Zealand, 29 November - 02 December.
Hughes, Emma (2004): 'GMOs and the discourse of nation: A study of the British media's representation of the EU and genetically modified crops', MECCSA Postgraduate Conference University of Central England, 20 September.

Public Understanding of Regimes of Risk Regulation

Livingstone, Sonia and Lunt, Peter (in preparation): 'The implied audience of communications policy making: Regulating media in the interests of citizens and consumers'. In V Nightingale (Ed), Handbook of Media Audiences. Oxford: Blackwell.
Livingstone, Sonia (due 2008): 'The future of children's programming'. In T. Gardam and D Levy (Eds.), Public Service Broadcasting, Reuters Institute/Ofcom.
Livingstone, Sonia (2008): 'Internet literacy: Young people's negotiation of new online opportunities'. In T. McPherson (Ed.), Unexpected outcomes and innovative uses of digital media by youth 101-121. MacArthur Foundaiton Series on Digital Media and Learning, Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press.
Livingstone, Sonia (2008): 'Engaging with media - A matter of literacy' Communication, Culture & Critique, 1(1), 49-60.
Lunt, Peter and Livingstone, Sonia (2007): 'Regulating markets in the interest of consumers? On the changing regime of governance in the financial service and communications sectors.' in M. Bevir and F. Trentmann (Eds.), Governance, citizens, and consumers: Agency and resistance in contemporary politics 139-161. Basingstoke, Uk: Palgrave Macmillan.
Livingstone, Sonia and Lunt Peter (2007): 'Representing citizens and consumers in media and communications regulation.' In 'The Politics of Consumption/The Consumption of Politics, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 611:51-65.
Lunt, Peter & Livingstone, Sonia (2007): 'Regulation in the public interest'. Consumer Policy Review, 17(2), 2-7.
Lunt, Peter and Livingstone, Sonia (2007): 'When a consumer is not a citizen.' Regulating right: regulation shows its better and local faces (D. Walker, ed.). Solace Foundation: Public (December).
Livingstone, Sonia and Lunt, Peter and Miller, L (2007): 'Citizens and consumers: Discursive debates during and after the communications Act2003'. Media, Culture & Society, 29(4), 613-638.
Lunt, Peter and Livingstone, Sonia and Miller, L (2007): 'Regulating risk in financial services and communications'. Britain Today. Economic and Social Research Council Magazine, March.
Livingstone, Sonia, Lunt, Peter and Miller, L (2007): 'Citizens, consumers and the citizens-consumer: Articilating the interests at stake in media and communications regulation'. Discourse and Communication, 1(1), 85-111.
Livingstone, Sonia (2007): Response to the Consultation on Ofcom's Draft Annual Plan, 2006/7, February.
Livingstone, Sonia and Millwood Hargrave, A. (2006): Response to the European Commission's Consultation on Audiovisual and Media Policies, Media Literacy Consultation.
Lunt, Peter, Livingstone, Sonia, Kelay, T & Miller, L (2006):'Approaches to risk and consumer policy in financial service regulation in the UK', Forum Qualitative Social Research, 7 (1), Art. 32 (provisional link:
Lunt, Peter, Livingstone, Sonia Kelay, T (2005): 'Risk and regulation in financial services and communications'. Social Contexts and Responses to Risk Network (SCARR) Working Paper series. (2005/6)
Livingstone, Sonia, Lunt, Peter and Miller, L (2005): 'Citizens and consumers: Discursive debates during the Communications Act 2003' Social Contexts and Responses to Risk Network (SCARR) Working Paper series (2006/10).
Livingstone, Sonia (2005): 'People living in the new media age: rethinking 'audiences' and 'users''. Oxford Internet Institute/MIT Working Paper, arising from the workshop: New Approaches to Research on the Social Implications of Emerging Technologies.
Livingstone, Sonia Van Couvering, E. J., and Thumim, N. (2005): 'Adult media literacy: A review of the research literature'. London: Ofcom.
Lunt, Peter,Miller, L, Kortnig, J & Ungemah, J (2005): 'The Psychology of Consumer Detriment: A Conceptual Review'. London: Office of Fair Trading.
Lunt, Peter
(2005):' Choice and Financial Services'. Consumer Policy Review. 15, issue 1. January/February 2005.
Lunt, Peter,
Miller, L., Körting, J., & Ungemah, J. (2005):'The Psychology of Consumer Detriment: A Conceptual Review'. London: Office of Fair Trading.
Livingstone, Sonia
(2004): 'Children online - consumers or citizens'? ESRC/AHRB Cultures of Consumption Working Paper Series.

Conference Presentations and Working Papers

Livingstone, Sonia (2008): Panel proposer, 'Ensuring the citizens' interest in media policy', presented the MeCCSA Annual Conference, Cardiff, January 2008.
Livingstone, S
onia (2008):'Who speaks for children in broadcasting debates? Presented to the MeCCSA Annual conference, Cardiff, January 2008.
Livingstone, Sonia (2007):‘The risks of going online: what are children and young people really up to? London E-Safety Conference for Headteachers, London Grid for Learning, January 2007.
Lunt, Peter (2007): 'Public understanding of risk regulation' SCARR Network conference 'Risk & Rationalities. Queens' College, Cambridge, March 2007. Outline of the project findings to the SCARR advisory panel.
Lunt, Peter (2007): 57th Annual Conference of the International commmunication Association: 'Citizens and consumers; Discursive debates during and after the Communications Act 2003' (with Sonia Livingstone). San Francisco, May 2007.
Lunt, Peter (2007): Institute of Actuaries 'Risk perceptions and policy responses'. The event began with a presentation of new research from Andreas Cebulla, 'Exploring risk perceptions and responses among different social and age-groups'. London, December 2007.
Livingstone, Sonia
(2007): 'Audiences engaging with media - a matter of literacy? 'Keynote presentation to the conference, Transforming Audiences: Identity/Creativity/Everyday Life. Westminster, September 2007. Livingstone, Sonia (2007): 'Audience interpretation and media literacy' ASCOR Public lecture, Unviersity of Amsterdam, November 2007.
Livingstone, Sonia (2007): 'Children and their changing media and communication landscape'. Presentation to the Risk Commission Conference on Riska nd Childhood, RSA, London, October 2007.
Livingstone, Sonia
(2006): 'What do citizens need from the media? Contrasting the views of regulators and the public'. Presentation to the international conference, The politics of consumption/The consumption of politics, Wisconsin-Madison, October 2006.
Livingstone, Sonia (2006): Panellist, Internet Watch Foundation Ten Year Anniversary Conference, Westminster Central Hall, London, October 2006.
Livingstone, Sonia (2006): Panellist, 'Do new technologies undermine or underpine the family? National Family and Parenting Institute's Conference, 'Happy Families?' November 2006.
Livingstone, Sonia (2006): 'Increasing our understanding: general perceptions of media literacy and child protection'. IPPR Conference on Access, Participation and Communoication: Young People and the use of new media technologies, December 2006.

Lunt, P. 2005: Risk and Regulation in Financial Services and Communications (SCARR WP6)
Livingstone, S. 2006: Citizens and Consumers: Discursive debates during and after the Communications Act 2003

Non-academic user engagements:

Livingstone, Sonia (2007): Academic advisor to 'The Byron Review on children and new Technology' Ofcom, (set up in September 2007) by the Prime Minister to examine the risks to children's safety and well-being from exposure to potentially harmful or inappropriate material on the internet and in video games.

Livingstone, Sonia: Advised the lobby group, The Voice of the Listener and Viewer in relation to the regulation of children's broadcasting and media literacy.

Risk in Perspective: Private Choices and Public Decisions

Loomes, Graham and Mehta, Judith. (2007): 'The sensitivity of subjective probability to time and elicitation method', Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 34, (3) 201-16.
Loomes, Graham (2006): (How) 'Can we value health, safety and the environment'?
Journal of Economic Psychology, Volume 27, Issue 6, December, 713-736.

Working Papers

Mehta, J: Being Economic: Perspectives on Risk and Rationality (SCARR WP18)

Socio-Technical Risk, Decisions and Values: A Narrative Approach

Dan Venables, Nick Pidgeon, Peter Simmons, Karen Henwood, and Karen Parkhill (2009) ‘Living with Nuclear Power: A Q-Method Study of Local Community Perceptions’ Risk Analysis, 29, 8, 1089-1104.
Pidgeon, Nick and Simmons, Peter, Bickerstaff, K., Lorenzoni, I., Poortinga, W.,(in press) ‘Framing the energy debate in the UK: nuclear power, radioactive waste and climate change mitigation’, Public Understanding of Science.
Henwood, Karen, Pigeon, Nick, Sarre, Sophie, Simmons, Peter. and Smith, Noel (forthcoming) 'Risk, Framing and Everyday Life: epistemological and methodological reflections from three sociocultural projects' in Health, Risk and Society
Pidgeon, Nick, Simmons, Peter, Sarre, Sophie, Henwood, Karen and Smith, Noel (2008) 'The ethics of socio-cultural risk research',Health, Risk & Society,10:4,321 ? 329.
Henwood, Karen (2008). 'Qualitative research, reflexivity and living with risk: Valuing and practicing epistemic reflexivity and centring marginality'. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 5 (1) 45-55.
Simmons, Peter and Pidgeon, Nick, Bickerstaff, K (2007): ‘Constructing responsibilities for technological risk: negotiating citizen-state relationships’, Environment and Planning A. doi:10.1068/a39150.
Pidgeon, Nick, Horlick-Jones, N., Walls, J., Towe, G., Wouter, P., Murdock, G., O'Riordan, T. (2007): 'The GM Debate: Risk, Politics and Public Engagement', Genetics and Society, Routledge.
Simmons, Peter and Pidgeon, Nick Bickerstaff, K. (2006): ‘Situating local experience of risk: peripherality, marginality and place identity in the UK foot and mouth crisis’, Geoforum,37, (5), 844-858.
Simmons, Peter and Bickerstaff, K. (2006): 'The participatory turn in UK radioactive waste management policy'. In K. Andersson (ed.) Proceedings of VALDOR-2006. (Stockholm: Congrex Sweden, AB), 529-536.
Simmons, Peter, Irwin, A.,and Walker, G. (2005): 'Faulty environments and risk reasoning: the local understanding of industrial hazards'. In M. David (Ed) Case Study Research. London/Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Pidgeon, Nick, Simmons, Peter and Henwood, Karen (2006): 'Risk, environment and technology'. in P. Taylor-Gooby and J. Zinn (eds) Risk in Social Science, Oxford University Press.
Pidgeon, Nick, Kasperson, J.X., Kasperson, R. and Slovic, P. (2005): 'The social amplification of risk: assessing fifteen years of research and theory'. In J.X Kasperson and R.K. Kasperson (eds.) The Social Contours of Risk: Vol 1 - Publics, Risk Communication and the Social Amplification of Risk. London: Earthscan, 202-232.
Pidgeon, Nick, Lorenzoni, I. and O'Connor, R. (eds.) (2005): Special collection on 'expert and lay perspectives on dangerous climate change'. Risk Analysis, 2005, 1387-1510.
Moore, N. (with Pidgeon, Nick, Simmons, Peter and Henwood, Karen) (2005): 'The use of narrative to explore risk in everyday life'. In N. Kelley et al (eds) Narrative, Memory and Everyday Life. University of Huddersfield Press.
Pidgeon, Nick (2005) 'The understanding of risk'. The Journal of the Foundation for Science and Technology, 18(7), 14-15.
Pidgeon, Nick, Poortinga, W., Rowe, G., Horlick-Jones, T., Walls, J. and O'Riordan, T. (2005): 'Using surveys in public participation processes for risk decision-making: the case of the 2003 British GM Nation? public debate.' Risk Analysis, 25(2), 467-480.
Pidgeon, Nick and Poortinga, W.(2005): 'Trust in risk regulation: cause or consequence of the acceptability of GM food'? Risk Analysis, 25, 199-209.
Henwood, Karen, and Pidgeon, Nick (in press) 'Grounded theory'. In G. Breakwell, C. Fife-Schaw, S. Hammond and J. Smith (eds) Research Methods in Psychology. London: Sage, 2005.
Henwood, Karen and Laing, I.(2005): 'Qualitative social science in the UK: A reflexive commentary on the 'State of the Art'', Forum Qualitative Social Research, 6 (2), September 2005.
Pidgeon, Nick, and Poortinga, W. (in press) 'Trust, the asymmetry principle, and the role of prior beliefs', Risk Analysis (2004 forthcoming).
Pidgeon, Nick, Walls, J.,F., Weyman, A. and Horlick-Jones, T. (2004): 'Critical trust: understanding lay perceptions of health and safety risk regulation'. Health, Risk and Society, 6(2), 133-150.

Towards a Theory of Risk and Risk Response in its Social Contexts

Taylor-Gooby, Peter (2008): ‘Sociological approaches to risk: Strong in analysis but weak in policy’, Journal of Risk Research, forthcoming.
Taylor-Gooby, Peter (2008): ‘Choice and values: individualized rational action and social goals’, Journal of Social Policy, vol 37(2), 1-19.
Taylor-Gooby, Peter (July 2007): 'The rational actor reform paradigm: Delivering the goods but destroying public trust'? European Journal of Social Quality, 6(2), 121-141.
Zinn, Jens O., Powell, Jason, Wahidin, Azrini, (2007): 'Understanding risk and old age in western society'. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 27 (1/2), 65-76.
Zinn, Jens O. (Ed.) (2007): Social Theories of Risk and Uncertainty: An Introduction, Blackwell, Oxford, ISBN:Hardback: 9781405153355; Paper: 9781405153362, Blackwell: Oxford - Malden (MA).
Taylor-Gooby, Peter and Zinn, Jens O. eds. (2006): Risk in Social Science, ISBN: Hardback: 13: 978-0-19-928596-9; Paper: 10: 0-19-928596-9, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Taylor-Gooby, Peter (March 2006): 'Trust, risk and health care reform', Health, Risk and Society, 8 (2).
Zinn, Jens O. and Taylor-Gooby, Peter (2006): 'Risk as an inter-disciplinary research area'. In: Taylor-Gooby, P. and Zinn, J. O. (Eds.): Risk in Social Science. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 20-53.
Taylor-Gooby, Peter and Kananen, Johannes and Larsen, Trine (March 2006): 'Public attitudes and new social risk reforms' in K. Armingeon and G.Bonoli (eds) The Politics of Post-Industrial Welfare States. Routledge.
Taylor-Gooby, Peter and Zinn, Jens O. (2006 ): 'Current directions in risk research: New developments in psychology and sociology', Risk Analysis: An International Journal 26(2), 397-411,
Taylor-Gooby, Peter (Jan. 2006): 'Social divisions of trust: Scepticism and democracy in the GM nation? Debate', Journal of Risk Research, 9(1), 75-95.
Zinn, Jens O. and Taylor-Gooby, Peter (eds.) 2006: Learning about Risk. Forum Qualitative Research (FQS 1/2006).
Taylor-Gooby, Peter, Zinn, Jens O. (2006):'The emergence of risk in social science (accepted for publication) Taylor-Gooby, P., Zinn, J. (eds.): Risk in Social Science. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Zinn, Jens O, and Taylor-Gooby, Peter (2006): 'Risk as an inter-disciplinary research area (accepted for publication). Taylor-Gooby, P., Zinn, J. (eds.): Risk in Social Science. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Zinn, Jens O. and Taylor-Gooby, Peter (2006): 'The challenge of (managing) new risks and uncertainties'. In: Taylor-Gooby, P. and Zinn, J. O. (Eds.): Risk in Social Science. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 54-75.
Zinn, Jens O. and Taylor-Gooby, Peter, eds. (2006): 'Learning about risk', Forum Qualitative Research (FQS) 7, 1.
Zinn, Jens O.
(2006): 'The german discourse on individualization. Divergences and perspectives'. Contribution to the ad-hoc group 'Changes in Everyday Life - Economisation or Individualisation?' Rehberg, K.-S. (Ed.): Social Inequality - Cultural Differences, 32nd Congress of the German Sociological Association 2004 in Munich, Frankfurt / M.: Campus [orig. in German], 4690-4700.
Zinn, Jens O. (2006):'Unequal or different biographical (Un-)certainty: Conceptual change and perspectives of research on social inequality'. Contribution to the ad-hoc group 'From (social) inequality to diversity? Biographical experiences of uncertainty and certainty constructions in the perspective of social inequality' Rehberg, K.-S. (Ed.): Social Inequality - Cultural Differences, 32nd Congress of the German Sociological Association 2004 in Munich, Frankfurt / M.: Campus [orig. in German], 4595-4602.
Zinn, Jens O. (2006): Several contributions to Blackwell's Encyclopaedia of Sociology (edited by Ritzer, G.): 'Uncertainty', 'Individualism', 'Autopoiesis', 'Reflexive Modernization', 'Life Course'.
Zinn, Jens O. (2006): 'Recent developments in sociological risk theory'. In: Zinn, Jens O. and Taylor-Gooby, Peter (Eds.): Learning about Risk. Forum Qualitative Research (FQS) 7, 1.
Zinn, Jens O. (2006): 'Risk, affect and emotion'. In: Zinn, Jens O. and Taylor-Gooby, Peter (Eds.): Learning about Risk. Forum Qualitative Research (FQS) 7, 1.
Taylor-Gooby, Peter (2005): 'Risk management and trust’, Invited Evidence to the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee Inquiry on the Government’s Approach to Risk Management, published in Government Policy and the Management of Risk, HL paper 183-II.
Taylor-Gooby, Peter (2005): 'Pervasive uncertainty in second modernity: An empirical test', Sociological Research Online, 10(4),
Taylor-Gooby, Peter (2005):'Social justice and welfare values' in W. Paxton et al (eds) The Commission on Social Justice: 10 Years On, Polity/IPPR, 2005.
Taylor-Gooby, Peter (2005): 'Uncertainty, trust and pensions: the case of the UK reforms', Social Policy and Administration, 39(3) 217-32.
Zinn, Jens O. and Bonß, Wolfgang (2005): Erwartbarkeit, Glück und Vertrauen - Zum Wandel biographischer Sicherheitskonstruktionen in der Moderne [Predictability, Luck and Trust - The change of biographical certainty in modernity]. In: Soziale Welt 56 (2/3) 79-98.
Zinn, Jens O. (2005): 'The biographical approach: A better way to understand behaviour in health and illness'. In: Health, Risk & Society 7 (1) 1-9.
Zinn, Jens O. (2005): 'Biographical certainty in reflexive modernity'. In: Kelly, N.; Horrocks, C.; Milnes, K.; Roberts, B. and Robinson, D. (Eds.): Narrative, Memory and Everyday Life, Huddersfield University, 87-95.
Taylor-Gooby, Peter (2004): New Risks, New Welfare: The Transformation of the European Welfare State, (edited), Oxford University Press, September 2004.
Taylor-Gooby, Peter (2004): 'New social risks in post-industrial society', International Social Security Review 57(3).
Zinn, Jens (2004): 'Health, risk and uncertainty in the life course: A Ttpology of biographical certainty constructions'. In: Social Theory & Health 2, (3) 99-221.
Zinn, Jens and Eßer, Felicitas (2003): 'Die herstellung biographischer sicherheit in der reflexiven moderne.' In: Zeitschrift für Biographieforschung, Oral History und Lebensverlaufsanalysen (BIOS) 16 (1) 46-63. [The construction of biographical certainty in reflexive modernity].
Zinn, Jens and Bonß, Wolfgang (2003): 'Ungewissheit in der moderne. Oder: Die gestaltung des lebens als unsicherheitsmanagement'. In: Sozialwissenschaftliche Informationen 32 (1) 24-34. [Uncertainty in modernity. Or: The shaping of the life course as the management of uncertainty].
Zinn, Jens O, and Böschen, Stefan and Viehöver, Willy (2003): 'Rinderwahnsinn. können gesellschaften aus krisen lernen'? [Mad cow disease. Are societies able to learn from crises?] Berliner Journal für Soziologie 13 (1) 35-58.

Working Papers

Zinn,J: Risk, Social Change and Morals. Conceptual Approaches of Sociological Risk Theories (SCARR WP17)

Zinn, J. 2006 "Biographical Certainty" in Reflexive Modernity (SCARR WP15)

Taylor-Gooby, P. 2006: The Efficiency/Trust Dilemma in Public Policy Reform (SCARR WP9)

Taylor-Gooby, P & Zinn, J 2005: Current Directions in Risk Research:Reinvigorating the Social? (SCARR WP8)

Zinn, J. 2004: Introduction to Biographical Research (SCARR WP4)

Taylor-Gooby, P. 2004 Psychology, Social Psychology and Risk (Literature review)

Zinn, J. 2004 Economics and Risk (Literature review) (SCARR WP2)

Zinn, J. 2004: Sociology and Risk (Literature review) (SCARR WP1)

Institutional Trust and Health Care Reform

Taylor-Gooby, Peter (2008): ‘Prevention and integration: rational actors and state welfare’, International Journal of Social Quality, forthcoming, 2008.
Taylor-Gooby, Peter
(2008): ‘Trust and welfare state reform: the example of the NHS’, Social Policy and Administration, 42, (3).
Taylor-Gooby, Peter (2007): ‘The rational actor reform paradigm: delivering the goods, but destroying public trust?’, European Journal of Social Quality, 6(2) 121-42.

The Biographical Management of Risk and Uncertainty - British Veterans

Shifting Paradigms of Social Justice

Taylor-Gooby, Peter and Martin, Rose, (2008) ‘Sympathy for the poor, or why New Labour does good by stealth’, British Social Attitudes: the 24th Report, Alison Park et al. (eds) Natcen, London.

Testing the 'Risk Society' Hypothesis

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