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Culture and the Canada - U.S. border


Friday September 19

9:30 – 10:  Welcome

10-11: Aritha van Herk:   “Heading South:  Succumbing to and Resisting Seduction”
(11:00-11:20:  audience conversations, responses, questions)

11:30-12:30:  Dylan Miner: Jiimaanike miiniwaa manashkikiiwe (s/he builds a canoe and gathers medicine):  Indigenous Movements Against Settler-Colonial Borders
(12:30-12:50: audience conversations, responses, questions)

1 – 1:50:  L U N C H 

2-3:  Marcello di Cintio:   “Shun thy Neighbour:  Dispatches from America’s Other Border”
(3:00 -3:20:  audience conversations, responses, questions)

4:30 – 6 Cocktails, Canapés and Conversations:  Network Members and Guest Speakers 

Saturday September 20

9:30-10:  Welcome

10-11:  Audra Simpson:  “The Chief’s Two Bodies:  Theresa Spence and the Gender of Settler Sovereignty”

11-12:  Questions/Answers/Wrap-up/Thanks and Farewells//Drives to Airport