Troubleshoot your timetable

My timetable is incorrect

Please contact your Division if there is a clash on your timetable.

Any classes scheduled for 8am are recorded and can be viewed on Moodle at any time and are not a timetable clash.

If you have a query about your group membership(s) or you think that there may be classes missing from your timetable, please contact your Division.  

Your timetable is updated daily. However, if you have requested a change to your group membership or module registration, there may be an additional delay while the change is being processed.

If you are viewing your timetable in a calendar via iCal, the accuracy of the data will depend on how frequently your calendar application is checking for updates. If you have any concerns, compare it to your timetable in KentVision, which should be used as the source of truth for your timetable.

If you have requested a module or seminar group change, there may be a processing delay before it appears in your calendar.  

Classes which appear on the timetable at 8.00 are recorded and can be viewed at any time in Moodle. You are not expected to do this at any particular time of day. They are conveniently placed on your timetable to help you pace your studies through the week with other taught content.

If a change occurs less than 24 hours in advance of an event, where possible, you should be notified by your Division via email or text.

There may be a problem with iCal and KentVision syncing, and you may need to re-subscribe to the iCal service to get the updated version.

If in doubt always refer to KentVision for the correct times.

Contact your Division, who will inform the Timetabling Office.

A reading week is a week free from classes in order for you to undertake reading and/or research for your course.

Not all students have reading weeks as it is dependant on the course that you are studying.

Finding your classroom

The maps webpage details room information, including how to find the room after entering the building, a picture and features of the room - simply search for the room name to find the details you need.

Check your timetable in KentVision to double check that your timetable is up to date.

Also check your student email account or text messages in case your Division have contacted you.

If you have not received any communication, contact your Division.

Last updated